About Us
We must shed the shackles of fear, shame and guilt and join hands in compassion
Come together in a fellowship of believers ready to care for one another on this step by step pilgrimage.
Michelle and Graham Hood came together in brokenness back in 2006.
Michelle, a highly motivated and well educated survivor of childhood sexual abuse, came into Graham’s life at a crucial moment.
Graham, a senior airline Captain, was a struggling porn addict who, being an Atheist, had set a date that year to end his life. Just ten days before the date he met Michelle and his life changed.
The pair have devoted their lives since, to the restoration of broken lives and have worked tirelessly to establish recovery programs and Christ centred support mechanisms to great success.
They have conducted relationship healing programs and compiled a twelve step Christ centred recovery initiative called Recovery Road that has been running in several countries including Australia, New Zealand and the USA.
We have a loving and committed group of volunteers that have been working with us since we started.
They are living testimony to the power of Jesus and Divine intervention that clearly demonstrates that God never wastes a hurt.
Church Without Walls began in their back garden on the Gold Coast in 2008
Running as a home church group, this garden church grew as it embraced people from all walks of life and various spiritual persuasions.
As people drove up their long driveway, they were greeted by a sign that read “NO JUDGEMENT BEYOND THIS POINT”
This statement is the corner stone of CWW and sends a clear message that, no matter how broken you think you are, there is a great hope.
Michelle and Graham have spoken to crowds in the hundreds of thousands and presented a unique and simple perspective in these troubled times that will have eternal consequences.
Now more than ever before, we must shed the shackles of fear shame and guilt and join hands in compassion to the enrichment of others.
Graham Hood.
Mission Statement
The past few years have clearly been perplexing and many of us have lost trust in almost all of our institutions and even churches.
Many are turning to a faith based set of relationships because they feel they have no where else to go.
If you are reading this then I guess I am describing your feelings too.
Many of us have no doubt that we are locked in a battle between good and evil.
As my wife Michelle and I have been touring this country extensively in the last couple of years, we have noticed an incredible shift in thinking.
This is best illustrated by comments I have heard repeatedly since 2021.
“I don’t believe in God but I cannot go to sleep unless I hear you pray at the end of your show” and “I don’t believe there is a God but can you please pray for me?”
Now as the world explodes with information and a narrative of fear ( False Evidence Appearing Real ) There is a growing cohort who are truly seeking God like they have never contemplated before.
But where do you start? Who can you trust to go on this journey with you?
That’s where Church Without Walls Australia comes in.
We, like you, have become disenfranchised and disenchanted and we too are seeking a simple one on one relationship with our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ.
We too are on a steep learning curve and have been let down by corporate religion and its lock step with government principles. We have seen liberty of conscience thrown into the gutter, and a tangible prejudice by many churches against anyone exercising their own free will.
With so many having been turned away and religion being seen as more representative of the world than of a loving and caring God, it is now time to bring down the walls.
Jesus wants a loving and life saving relationship with us just as we are. He wants to refine our characters and grow one with another and with Him.
Our mission is to cut through the jungle of ritual and rules and go straight to the Author and Finisher of our faith. He who was in the beginning and is now until the end.
If you are like me and you don’t know where to start, feeling like you don’t know enough and like you have made too many mistakes in the past, then maybe now is the time to start this eternal journey with the first crucial step.
We can all walk and learn together as we go on a non denominational Bible based journey that will give us confidence and a real sense of healing as we all recover our God given destiny.
Many of you have asked me to baptise you with water as we have travelled and almost 300 people have shared this experience with us in creeks, lakes and on beaches all over the country.
Now we must come together in a fellowship of believers ready to care for one another on this step by step pilgrimage.
CWW will broadcast a simple faith 101 sermonette each week through our social media platforms. We will also incorporate some real life testimonies from people on the same journey as we are.
It is our hope that you will gather a community of new believers in your neighbourhood who will watch the broadcast and combine with a community meal together as you talk through what you have just watched. We can all grow together.
Our aim is to broaden the serenity in a time of crisis so that we can be a light on the hill as we spread the good news in a simple way that all may understand.
As you embark on this journey we will be praying that The Holy Spirit will guide your learning and character building steps as you go, one foot after the other.
At Church Without Walls our judgement is left at the gate as we create a safe place where the only silly question is the one you don’t ask. A place where you can be you and grow.
Our Saviour lives and He stands at the door and knocks.
Will you let Him in?