CWW Week 10 - Day 4 - Fear


Devotions, Fear
Today’s Devotion Spoken…



1 John 4:18 NKJV

“There is no fear in love; but perfect love casts out fear, because fear involves torment. But he who fears has not been made perfect in love.”

Does perfect love command perfect obedience?

When we put self sufficiency aside and rely solely on the grace and mercy of God we become instruments of faith because self is given over to others centred love and not love of self. Our love of God our creator is the means by which we devote our lives to serve others in His name. When we go back to the Beatitudes in Matthew chapter 5, these can surely be summed up in one phrase. Blessed are those who’s greatest desire is to do what God requires.

Todays scripture suggests that when we experience perfect love, fear has no place. This verse speaks to the idea that when we truly understand and experience love—particularly the love of God—it has the power to dispel fear from our hearts and lives.

When we choose to love God and surrender to that love of the will, understanding that we are a work in progress and we are being perfected by our mistakes, then we see a picture of a benevolent Father who is delighted in watching us grow. He knows we are not yet perfect and will never be in this life, but He has us covered.

When we understand this to our very nature, the torment of being caught out for doing the wrong thing is dispelled and with it the fear. Because perfect love and obedience to God means that our character is being developed under the shining light of His grace and mercy.

Why? Because He alone knows the very nature and desire of our hearts.

When an infant takes it’s first clumsy steps and falls over, do the parents chastise and punish the child, or lift up and encourage with love and mercy, even praise and encouragement.

When I flew with a new co-pilot straight out of training I realised that they were vulnerable and looking for encouragement. I recognised the awesome responsibility I held on those early flights in their airline career. I could shatter their self confidence in a heart beat with a glance. Knowing they were always eager for a critique at the end of each flight, and knowing that it wasn’t perfect, I would always use the ‘compliment sandwich’. “Wow your planning was spot on for someone just starting out.” Then I would ask them what they thought didn’t go the way they wanted and allow them to offer their own critique – which was always more harsh than mine would have been- then I would complete the sandwich with a compliment and a desire to fly with them again. I would always find an example of my own first clumsy steps to reassure them that we all have been there before them and they will be just fine and enjoy a fulsome career.

I see God in this light and His methods have similar but greater effects. In my reflections with Him, He gives me His compliment sandwich and it goes like this. I love you my son, you have been beautifully and wonderfully made. How would you rate your love and obedience to me? Then I pour out my anguish and disgust, [repent] which is always more harsh than His would have been. He allows me to teach myself while covered in His grace and mercy. Then He reassures me with His promise that He will never leave me or forsake me and then He follows up with an expression of His desire ‘to fly with me again.”

When we are tormented by our doubts about ourselves and the punishment we feel comes from breaking the law, we are clearly looking at Gods’ laws as litigious and requiring of condemnation and punishment. This paints a picture of God as being a punishing narcissist and not a loving Father.

But if Gods’ laws are principles of design [refer to Dr Timothy Jennings books such as ‘The God Shaped Heart] then all of our experiences and mistakes become golden opportunities for growth and development and the fear of being caught no longer torments us because it has been cast out by Gods’ perfect love. The only penalty to fear is the sense of isolation from God, our forever power source.


  1. What event or deed has you lay awake at night with shame and regret and do you want to give it to God?
  2. Would you like to live your life simply by following Gods’ purpose in your life based on your love of Him and desire to do what he requires?
  3. What is your purpose for today to live into His purpose and desire for you? Are you ready to accept His grace and mercy?


Dear Lord, Papa God.

I need to step out of my self sufficiency and rely on You in all aspects of my life. I need to know minute by minute that you will always meet my needs and that in so doing, you are giving me the best given my place in this journey with You. I desire that my love is perfected through your grace and mercy to the point where fear is no longer a process but a reminder of how far we have both come together in my walk with you. Help me Papa to cast out all fear and replace it with Your everlasting love and keep me always reminded of the cross which is the symbol of the sacrifice that brought me here, I pray in the mighty name of Jesus. Amen.

Graham Hood

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