CWW Week 11 - Forgiveness - Day 1


Devotions, Forgiveness
Today’s Devotion Spoken…



Luke 23:34 [NKJV]

“Then Jesus said. ‘Father, forgive them, for they do not know what they do.’

For me these are the profound words of the new testament. There have been times when I have meditated on these words spoken by Jesus from the cross, and I have been brought to tears. I am puddling up now in-fact as I write about them. Why do these words conjure up such emotions? Why do we often struggle to forgive even the slightest offence and how do these words make us feel when we understand what Jesus was forgiving here? Not only to the torture and death that was being administered to Him, but also all the weight of all the sin ever committed and yet to be committed by all who ever lived and are yet to come.

We will spend all of this week unpacking what it means to forgive. I think we could spend an entire year on this one word.

As we commence this weeks journey, lets start by thinking about who we struggle to forgive and why?

  1. The people who have offended against us.

Perhaps we have been hurt badly by someone who cheated on us, stole from us, caused us pain and suffering. Perhaps someone who may have said something that hurt our pride?

Think of how these actions, committed by others, have changed the very climate of our daily lives. How many sleepless nights and hours of anguish have we suffered? How has our hatred of those we cannot or will not forgive affected the relationships we have with those we love?

 2. Perhaps it’s God we cannot forgive?

Many self proclaimed atheists blame the God they don’t believe in for the pain and suffering in this world, without realising that there is a battle of good and evil playing out and God is only one of the protagonists. I know many Christians who struggle to forgive God because of un-answered prayers and the suffering of the innocents in this world. Why didn’t God step in to stop the abuse of children and slavery?

Then we have, in my eyes, the biggest challenge of forgiveness.

3. Do we need to forgive ourselves?

Regret, shame, guilt, are all what I call, the night demons. Boy have these demons caused me many sleepless nights?  How often do you struggle with the ‘if onlys’. If only I hadn’t said this or hadn’t done that? I know of hundreds who are willing to see Gods’ amazing grace poured out on others but not themselves. They blame themselves for everything and can never bring themselves to forgive the things of their own doing. Some even take the responsibility for the suffering caused them by others. Many women we have spoken to who have survived childhood sexual abuse, still take on the guilt because their perpetrator said to them, “This wouldn’t be happening if you weren’t so pretty.” They took that on and continue to blame themselves with many going on to make themselves as un- attractive as possible as a means of both protection and self flagellation.

I have realised the power that comes from forgiveness. It’s a power that can release us from the prison of un-forgiveness that is of our own making. We are our own jailers when we cannot forgive. Do we think our un-forgiveness affects those we cannot forgive? Often the answer is no. They are more often than not totally unaware or have long forgotten the incident or behaviour that injured us.

So who is our lack of grace affecting the most? I’ll give you a clue. It’s not them. When I forgive others I set myself free. I hope that you have watched the week eleven fire side chat with my wife Michelle. This perfectly illustrates how forgiveness puts us back in the drivers seat of our lives. When we cannot forgive we put those who offended us in the drivers seat of our lives and people only drive us crazy if we give them the keys. And that’s what we do when we cannot ‘let go and let God.’ 

 Sadly there are many in Michelles old church who cannot forgive her for speaking up and pressing charges. She has forgiven the offender in her abuse but those who were in many ways unaffected by that abuse on her cannot forgive her for trying to stop it? 

And yes, these people still go to church and have done all of their lives. What is it about Gods’ Amazing Grace that alludes them?

As Michelle said in her testimony this week. “How can I have the audacity to ask God to forgive me when I can’t forgive those who hurt me?”

When we repent of our own sins we do so knowing that God will blot out our transgressions from the book of life. They are written off. How can we want or expect Him to do that for us when we get angry at the thought of Him doing that to those who trespassed against us.

Why does God want to forgive us if we accept responsibility? Because He wants to redeem us, all of us. The gifts of grace are extended to all; yes that’s right, even those who committed the crimes against us. How else can it be and be relevant. Isn’t that what’s so amazing about GRACE?

What a sobering thought to start this weeks journey with.


  1. Do you struggle to forgive and let go so you can move on?
  2. Will you start the journey by writing a list of all those who have wronged you and be fearless in so doing?
  3. Are you ready to start the journey of releasing yourself from the prison of un-forgiveness?


Dear Lord, Papa God.

Oh Lord, as we ponder this most challenging step in our lives, please help us to see those who have hurt us as you see them. Please help us to have mercy on them as You have had mercy on us and them. Please help us to allow your Amazing Grace to wash over us and set us free. Papa please examine our hearts and show us the iniquity that is hidden within it so we can invite you to heal us. Please give us the strength to say the words of Your Son Jesus when He said on the cross; ‘Father, forgive them, for they do not know what they do.’ For we ask all these things in the precious and wonderful name of Jesus. Amen.

Graham Hood

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