CWW Week 11 - Forgiveness - Day 7


Devotions, Forgiveness
Today’s Devotion Spoken…


Scripture: Psalm 130:3-4 [NKJV]

“If You, Lord, should mark my iniquities, O lord, who could stand? But there is forgiveness with You, that You may be feared.” 

I have scanned all the verses on forgiveness to find a good one to finish the week off. This Psalm kept jumping out at me. I pray for Holy Spirit guidance when I write and read the scriptures, so I get the feeling He wants me to examine this in simple terms.

We can be fairly certain that this Psalm was written by King David. We have discussed David a lot in previous talks and devotionals. David is like us. He wants to be in Gods’ favour but he keeps messing up. This is true of the apostle Paul and every other figure in the Bible. Moses too was a prime screw-up.

So what was David saying? Let me paraphrase in Hoody speak.

‘Oh God, if you are marking me based on all the things I have done wrong, then what hope have I got? I may as well give up now! Not one person could stand up against that scrutiny. But because You keep Your promises and You, and everything about You, screams forgiveness; I now have hope and for that reason you have my undying love and respect.’

Forgiveness is the only thing that can save us? Most people who reject the notion of God are rejecting the idea of God created by institutionalised churches who have tampered with the image and character of God to make Him look like a dictator out to get us. When we reject God we reject the very narrative of true forgiveness. No wonder the world is in such a mess.

As I was about to write this devotional I checked the comments on my social media platform. A lady was laying down some pretty heavy judgements on me and I was about to block her. As I contemplated doing that, every word I have typed this week jumped off the screen at me.

‘Practice what you are preaching.’ It’s so true that we teach what we most need to learn. So I have reached out to her knowing that her unbridled attack on me, someone she does’t know, is being driven by insecurity and anxiety. I now leave it to God to do His work.

It’s probably true that you have many you can’t yet forgive including God. But let me make a suggestion as to where to start and who to put at the top of your list.


You have no doubt listened to our fireside chat a few days ago when Michelle spoke of her torment and stress around being abused as a child. As someone who witnessed her journey of healing, I knew that God was not on her list. But she first realised that she had so many things to forgive herself for.

She made it clear that she could not ask God to forgive her, if she did not forgive those who hurt her. She was well aware of the role she played in her own torment. She kept it a secret, she allowed the pain of the abuse to trample its’ way through her life and allowed it to affect her own children before she realised. But what did she know? She was dealing with all this at the beginning with a childhood psychology. She just didn’t know better.

My guess, is that this can be applied to you and the many who have hurt you as well. You may be angry with your parents; but is it possible that they were doing the best they knew how based on the choices available to them? Hind sight is a wonderful thing that leads to better fore sight in the future, but there is that period of transition is there not?

We have all been caught in the no mans land of transition between two sets of psychology. Often that’s where most of our regrets were born!

So as you ponder this journey of forgiveness, know that you never walk alone. The Holy Spirit is there to guide and lead you if invited. He will ensure that your motives and methods achieve the best Kingdom results for you and those on the journey with you.

May you always remember how much Papa God loves you and remember that He doesn’t forget your sins when you repent because he has alzheimers or amnesia. He does it because He promised He would erase any record of your transgressions if you ask Him to and you then decide to live in relationship with Him.

Now is the time to set it all in play don’t you think?


  1. If God is capable and willing to forgive your sins, are you now ready?
  2. If He is ready to forgive you of all your transgressions are you now ready to do the same with those who have hurt you?
  3. Are you willing to diarise this journey so you can look back and see how far the Holy Spirit has taken you in your relationship with Jesus?


Dear Lord, Papa God.

Thank you Papa for always keeping your promises. Thank you Lord that even though I have just sinned, that I am still a righteous person in your sight because of your son Jesus in whom I love and trust. Papa please help me to calm the waters of others as I pass on your gift to them. For this is my prayer in your most precious name. Amen.

Graham Hood

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