CWW Week 12 - Day 5 - Humility


Devotions, Humility
Today’s Devotion Spoken…




Proverbs 29:23: “A man’s pride will bring him low, but the humble in spirit will retain honour.”

One of the speed bumps in our journey to surrender and humility is its greatest enemy, Pride.

If pride is a stumbling block that needs to be placed in a box, then we need to understand why we place so much emphasis on it and how it can debilitate us.

I have to use myself as an example here yet again. Because of my dysfunctional upbringing; and believe me I am is grateful for it now, I used to feel so low and undeserving of praise that I became addicted to its pursuit.

My own subconscious bottom line belief of me, and this became my identity for most of my life, was that I was worthless and useless. My low self esteem drove me to great lengths to perform and be loved and admired. My self pride became a stage on which I daily performed. My ego became my life support system. Everything I did was to make me look good and feel a better person than my subconscious mind was telling me I was.

My pride seeking ego got me to write cheques that my character couldn’t cash and I was not the only one hurt along the way.

We now know that we were created to love and be loved and we when we feel unloved we feel disconnected from what we hold dear and who we cherish. This applies even to our relationship with God.

Think of the many destructive ways that pride diverts us from our destiny. We do anything to be loved and admired, we become a slave to our ego, we are vulnerable to others who may not have our best interests at heart and we prey on those who’s conquest may elevate us for all the wrong reasons. We exhaust ourselves driven by a constant desire to perform and we are forever at the whim of the fickle people in our lives who get tired of propping us up. Our entire life is based on false expectations.

No wonder I was driven towards an ultimate and extreme solution that would have destroyed many others. Such are the unforeseen consequences of suicide.

To be proud of others is a wonderful experience. I am proud of the sacrifices made by others when they serve. It uplifts and empowers me but I seek it not and the people who deserve our admiration attain it by seeking it not also.

To be proud of our children because they reflect good human character is healthy, but being proud because they beat everyone in their endeavours is not.

My eldest daughter Renee was an avid and enthusiastic participant in junior surf lifesaving, Nippers. She was average in her 9 year old age group and rarely won an event, but this life saving movement is great at de-emphasising the importance of winning. It’s about serving. Her greatest rival was another nine year old girl from a rival club who could do no wrong. Renee pitted herself against this other girl as a yardstick for herself.

Renee was never perturbed at always running second to the other girl.

One day in an event requiring an ocean swim race around markers in the surf, it was operations normal with Renee running well behind her rival.

Then to everyones astonishment, Renee started to overtake her. She seemed to stride ahead to the cheers of an amazed group of spectators who watched in awe of my daughter. Then after the turn towards the beach and the finish line, Renee looked back to see how far ahead she was. It was then she noticed her rival was struggling. Something was wrong. She looked back at the finish line and victory and then back to her mate and made a decision. She turned back to the other girl and stayed with her slowly bringing her to the beach after the race was well and truly over. Rescuers stood back to let this happen and as the two girls exited the surf and hobbled exhausted to the finish line together, the crowd cried and cheered as they hugged each other both running last.

I thought my heart was going to burst. I was more proud of her finishing last than I would have been if she had won. My pride was based on her character and not her physicality.

Another wonderful scripture underscores this story perfectly.

Matthew 20:16: “So the last will be first, and the first last. For many are called, but few chosen.”

Pride is a two edged sword. My pride in the capacity of my fellow human beings to stand when called, keeps me striving and for all the right reasons. I have seen this in recent years and it has restored my faith in humanity and the loving God who created it.

Pride comes before the fall. That’s why I now stay as close to the ground as possible, and demolish any pedestals being built in my presence.


  1. Pride can rule our lives. On a scale of 1 to 10 how much effect is pride having on your relationships?
  2. Is your pride being used as a mask to cover a wound you can’t admit is there?
  3. What steps can you take today to put pride in a box?


Dear Lord, Papa God.

My pride is built on sand. I need to be standing on the rock of Jesus and my healthy pride that He has chosen to die for me. Help me to see my significance in being Your Son as I seek to be obedient to Your will and destiny for my life. Please Papa continue to fill me with Your holy Spirit as I seek to place others ahead of myself in Jesus Holy name I pray. Amen.

Graham Hood 

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