CWW Week 12 - Day 6 - Humility


Devotions, Humility
Today’s Devotion Spoken…



Matthew 5:5: “Blessed are the meek, For they shall inherit the earth.”

It hit me about a year ago when I was teaching some baptismal candidates before entering the water with them. One of the ladies  asked me to explain what meekness was. I immediately thought what it was not, and I knew she could relate as in her testimony she talked about surviving extreme domestic violence.

I told her the opposite to meekness was narcissism. One of the others went on to add, “you mean like the globalists who are seeking to control us all?”

“Yes” I replied. Then my face lit up as I realised that God was showing me something powerful. Those who seek to control us are doing so because they want to own and control the Earth. Jesus tells us in His own words that they are doomed to fail as it is only the meek who shall inherit the Earth. That means that we ultimately win if we choose Jesus Christ.

Meekness with humility go hand in hand with the whole notion of surrender to God. They are perfect bed fellows.

When we tie this in with our previous devotional on service it all starts to make sense.

I apply this by being the ranger in the national park where my wife Michelle resides. I long ago accepted that she was designed by God to be perfect in every way. God does not make junk after all, and who am I to seek to control and change what God has created. My role is to let her fly free and watch her back while she does so. I patrol her boundaries with love and care and she does the same for me because she is my ranger.

This is the perfect win win scenario and has been a light on the hill to those struggling couples we often come into contact with.

In meekness we accept the outcomes as they may come. We still hold others to account in love because not to do so enables them to continue to damage others and themselves. Discipline is a vital component of love when it is applied this way.

What prevents others from meekness is their inability to see that they seek constant control of those who matter in their lives in order to feel safe. They fail to trust and see themselves as so unworthy as to not be capable of accepting and uncontrived and manipulated love which is no love at all.

You cannot mandate that someone loves you as many state leaders have tried to do in the pandemic of fear. To do so is an automatic way to destroy love and damages the offender as well as their victims because it sears their conscience and damages their character.

Live and let live is a daily example of meekness. My wife expresses this when people let her down when she says, “ Oh well, you get that.”

To surrender is to become meek. To throw yourself completely under Gods’ grace and mercy.

Can there be a better more peaceful place to be?

Tucked in under the wings of Papa God?


  1. Have you always assumed that meek people are week people?
  2. Are you able to love someone enough to let them go?
  3. Are you able to risk losing a relationship by calling out bad behaviour when you see it?


Dear Lord, Papa God.

Help me find strength in my vulnerability. By seeing that in giving control to You gives me the greatest power in the universe. Help me Papa God to love those around me in meekness and selflessness, that shine a light of on Your character that is alive in me, is my prayer in your precious name. Amen.

Graham Hood. 

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