CWW Week 13 - Day 2 - The Armour Of God


Devotions, The Armour of God
Today’s Devotion Spoken…

The Armour Of God


Ephesians 6:13-14

13 Therefore take up the whole armour of God, that you may be able to withstand in the evil day, and having done all, to stand.

14 Stand therefore, having girded your waist with truth, having put on the breastplate of righteousness,


We have unpacked our armour ready to do battle under the banner of Jesus. Now it’s time to understand the connection of each piece as we don it.

Today we understand the Belt Of Truth. 

This represents living a life of integrity and truth that is grounded in God’s word, The Holy Bible. We are starting to see clearly the value of God’s word as we travel this journey together. We know that some is hard to grasp when we start but we are encouraged that it’s not what we know but who we know that stabilises us on the rocky path to salvation in Christ. Remember that confusion is normal when we try to comprehend God’s word but we trust the Holy Spirit to guide us, so, if you struggle on a passage of scripture, allow the Spirit to move you somewhere else knowing you will be guided back when you have a better understanding.

So what is truth?

As we contemplate the start of this Christian walk, the most enduring truth is this. Christ died for our sins and He rose again from the grave. He lives in the Heavenly place acting as our advocate to the Father. We are recipients of God’s mercy and grace through faith alone. We are saved by faith. Believe it and it is yours. Profess it and it makes it a gift for others too.

In this world it seems you can pick and choose what is truth. I have often heard people say “Don’t tell me the truth just give me the facts and let me decide my own truth.” How can truth be determined on this basis?

We live in a world where we are exploding with knowledge as we surf the internet of things. But as I peruse the pagesof social media I am perplexed to realise that all the knowledge in the world is of no use to fools. 

Seeds of doubt cast on all manner of things on the world wide web, quickly sprout and bear fruit before we know it and a well crafted lie becomes reality in a heart beat.

A friend of mine once said, “ You don’t all wanna believe what you read on a piece of paper, it just lays down flat and lets any idiot write on it.”

Because it appears on the news or in the papers, does that make it so?

Understanding truth is a means of lighting the path of life. “Thy word is a lamp unto my feet and a light unto my path.” Psalm 119:105.

To stand in the light of truth and to live a life in truth clearly is girding our loins with a belt of great wisdom. Sin thrives when people keep secrets and darkness is the absence of light.

So as we journey together we can expect to unfold even more truth. Truth that will challenge and strengthen us. Truth that will develop our characters and build our spirit. God’s word is truth and as it stands now, in a world of deep fake and social media deception, it is the only truth we can take to the bank.

I was once intrigued by my friend who seemed distracted and annoyed. I asked him what was going on for him.

“I’m frustrated Gray. All I want is the truth and why is it so hard to find?”

I had two questions for him. “ How are you going to know when you find it and what are you going to do with it when you do?”

He laughed and got back to what he was doing.


  1. How are you seeking truth in your life?
  2. How will you know when you have found the truth?
  3. What are you going to do with it when you do?


Dear Lord, Papa God.

I have spent my life seeking the truth but never being confident in my findings. There is so much confusion out there Papa, and I need your help and discernment. Help me not to get bogged in truth appearing deceptions and distractions. Help me to find the gems of truth in Your word as I delve daily with the help of Your Holy Spirit is my prayer in the precious name of Jesus. Amen.

Graham Hood

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