CWW Week 14 - Day 1 - Courage
Joshua 1:9: “Have I not commanded you? Be strong and of good courage; do not be afraid, nor be dismayed, for the Lord your God is with you wherever you go.”
The topic for week fourteen is Courage.
This follows on nicely from our previous week, The Armour Of God. For last week we discovered the assurance that comes from wearing the belt of truth, the breastplate of righteousness, the shoes of Gospel peace, the shield of faith, the helmet of salvation and the sword of the Spirit.
God has equipped us well to stand, when required, in His strength.
So what is the ultimate purpose for donning the armour and, if God is a God of love joy and peace, then why do we need to take on a war footing?
Because there is an enemy of love joy and peace and he, the devil, seeks to distort the things of God with lies, deception and counterfeit. We are embroiled in a battle between good and evil and the army of God needs to comprise of men and women of good character who will stand for the right though the heavens may fall.
All it takes for evil to thrive is for men of good courage to do nothing in the face of it.
Isn’t that what Jesus taught us in His crucifixion? He might have easily excused himself from that awful fate. In and with His infinite power, He could have not only stopped it, but crushed those who were murdering him; but He made a braver and ultimately the most generous sacrifice. Knowing that sin has it’s consequences in breaking the principles of righteous living in God’s great divine design for us, Jesus took on the consequences of our weakness upon Himself.
John 15:13 (NKJV): “Greater love has no one than this, than to lay down one’s life for his friends.” We are His friends but only if we choose it. To take on this mantle of friends of God’s we must have the courage to declare that we are such when such a declaration would place us in harms way.
Peter, one of Christs disciples, declared to Jesus his undying love before He was taken away to be tried by the Roman Governor Pilate. Jesus told Peter who was closest to Him, that he would deny Him three times before the cock crowed. Peter was incensed that Jesus would think so low of Him. But Jesus was not thinking low of Peter, He was stating fact. Jesus knew Peter’s character. He knew that Peter was still a work in progress as we all are.
As the trial of Jesus raged on through the night and as Peter was challenged, “aren’t you one of His disciples?” Peter denied Christ three times.
Can you imagine how Peter felt when that realisation struck him after the event in the cold and harsh light of that Friday dawn?
Can we imagine the if only’s that would have plagued Peter after he saw what happened to Jesus later that day?
I have had the if only’s many times when I realised that by not acting I allowed something to happen that may have had a better outcome if I had said something.
My wife Michelle spent much of her life condemning herself because she was too afraid as a young person to declare the sexual abuse perpetrated against her by a man who went on to have hundreds of victims. She always felt that she could have saved so many if she had spoken sooner. But now I know of no more courageous a woman. She has become a staunch advocate for survivors today.
Peter also went on to become an apostle credited with being one of the founders of the Christian Church.
Peter played a significant role among the apostles as a prominent leader and spokesperson after Jesus’ ascension. In Matthew 16:18, Jesus refers to Peter as the rock upon which he would build his church. Peter’s leadership and preaching, particularly on the Day of Pentecost (Acts 2), were instrumental in the early spread of Christianity.
How could this happen to Peter and indeed Michelle after the regrets of failing to declare? Clearly the realisations of the missed opportunity to serve others in courage was pivotal in the development of their characters that now equips them in the armour of God to be the champions of faith that they have gone on to become.
And what was to become of Peter?
It is widely believed that Peter was crucified upside down at his own request, as he considered himself unworthy to die in the same manner as Jesus Christ. As a brave apostle inspired by the example of Jesus whom he had the privilege of living with, Peter forged ahead with unshakeable faith and courage to die a martyrs death having denied Jesus when he thought it mattered most.
Did Christ know this when He told Peter of his betrayal that night before the crucifixion? Did Jesus know that this event would embolden him to go on to do the work of Jesus after His death?
God never wastes a hurt and that is so truely narrated when we look at the gospels of Matthew, Mark Luke and John. The life of Jesus on earth is an inspiration to us all, to carry our cross of infirmity in sin and go forward in the armour of God to become the very best version of ourselves that we can be as we fill ourselves with the power of the Holy Spirit.
Can there be a greater and more fulfilling calling in these treacherous times?
Our harsh judgement of self, for the actions we did not take when we were younger and less wise, needs to be seen in the context of our life long education in the getting of wisdom. Peter and my wife Michelle, did not know better then because they were consumed with what they thought was their inability to survive the trauma they were living through at the time. Is there no better example of why God allows us trials and tribulations, knowing that we will get it wrong but grow in the process? Peter went on to fulfil his God given destiny on the solid foundation of his failures when Jesus was walking the earth. The same can be said of my wife. But look at them now? Can there be a better example of the power of grace and mercy than this? What pushed them through the mire of their own self doubt?
The love of God and the testimony of Jesus who loves them and us in-spite of our lessons yet to learn, is what fortifies us in courage to face the enemy of souls.
- What is your greatest if only?
- How has that regret changed your approach today?
- Can you find the courage to allow Jesus into your heart knowing that it will change your life forever?
Dear Lord, Papa God.
My strength has failed me but for one thing. I still have enough courage to open the door and let you into my heart. Papa give me the courage of a lion and the wisdom of Solomon through the power of your Holy Spirit. As unworthy as I am and have been Papa, please enter my heart to examine it and strengthen it as only you can.
For this is my most earnest prayer in the precious name of Jesus Christ.
Graham Hood.