CWW Week 14 - Day 3 - Courage


Devotions, Courage


Deuteronomy 31:6 from the New King James Version (NKJV):

“Be strong and of good courage, do not fear nor be afraid of them; for the Lord your God, He is the One who goes with you. He will not leave you nor forsake you.”

It was a warm night in the nations capital of Australia, Canberra. I had spent two torrid weeks there with hundreds of thousands of people who had travelled from all over the country to rally in protest against a government that was stripping away peoples freedoms.

Why was I there?

I ask myself that question everyday. After resigning my job in protest at vaccine mandates I had taken a small job working for a radio station covering stories of the struggle taking place. I was interviewing people from different professions who had been mandated out of those professions because they wanted to maintain their bodily autonomy. 

By this time I had risen to some dubious prominence on social media and had a following of some one hundred and fifty thousand people. I had never thought this was possible and it was never part of my retirement plan, but that was my retirement plan, not God’s.

Seeking to interview truck drivers affected by the mandates I put out a call on social media but none responded. Then I heard that someone was planning a protest truck convoy to Canberra and as I reached out to them on social media I was not having much luck. I then made a statement along the lines of, “well if you won’t respond to me online then I guess I am heading to Canberra to see you face to face.”

It was then that a crazy pilgrimage started to take shape. Thousands assumed that this was call for everyone to go to Canberra and before I knew it a massive convoy gathered like the people of Israel leaving Egypt and masses converged for weeks of protest in-front of the Capital. I was totally un-prepared for what was to follow but I was soon to learn a great deal the hard way. I became one of a handful of people who were picked out of the masses to become their leaders. I don’t know about the others but that was not my desire. I realised that all I had to offer was my faith in Jesus, and so at every gathering, I called on the people to pray. This I did regardless of the numerous attempts of others to divert me from my purpose.

It got to the stage where my agenda was clearly not the agenda of some of the other tribal leaders and the threats began to come thick and fast. The two days before what was to be the largest political rally in the countries history where I was to be one of the final speakers, I was approached by some former police, there for the protest having lost their own jobs.

There had been a credible threat on my life reported by someone who had witnessed a large sum of money changing hands to “take care of me.”

This led to me spending four hours in a Canberra Police station in the middle of the night while police looked into the allegations being made.

I was advised that the crowd was too big for me to be afforded the proper protection and that for my own safety that I should go home. My friends there with me agreed.

The next morning we met for breakfast where I was told that a small convoy, put together for my protection, would whisk me away to safety. Then I said I was not going anywhere. There was a collective sigh of relief.

“The reason this is happening is because there is an agenda to keep me from speaking and I am not a part of that agenda. I am staying and I am going to speak.”

I had never in my wildest dreams ever imagined that I would face the distinct possibility of being assassinated in my own country, but the threat was real. Having just been released from hospital after shoulder surgery, my wife jumped on a plane and flew to be at my side.

When the day emerged I met up with the crowd as they were about to march to the Parliament House for the protest. I, with my friends, marched in a seething mass of humanity up the hill towards our objective. It was a sight to see. I was ushered to the sound stage from where the speeches were to take place, to be greeted by Michelle who was there waiting for me. I was under strict instructions that I was not to leave the stage and that there were people in the crowd to look after my security. As some three hours of speeches from various speakers were greeted by thunderous cheers from the crowd, my wife and I prayed. We planned what she might do if the worst thing happened. Then it was my turn to speak.

Just before moving to the microphone a voice in my heart said clearly. “ If you see a gun aimed at you from the crowd, point at the shooter and dare him to pull the trigger. Fear not as this battle is mine.”

I walked to the microphone calmly and with a loud voice declared that it would take more than threats to stop me from talking about God and I urged anyone offended by prayer to stick their fingers in their ears because here it comes. When I finished there was a thunderous AMEN from the crowd and thousands prayed.

I never felt so unafraid and so empowered in my entire life. I knew that God was with me and I feel it still. That’s why todays verse resinates with me in triumph;  “Be strong and of good courage, do not fear nor be afraid of them; for the Lord your God, He is the One who goes with you. He will not leave you nor forsake you.”

Nothing I ever do now is in my strength because I have none. I am physically weaker than I have ever been as my life catches up with me. But in Christ we all have immense power if we would only choose it.


  1. What is your greatest fear?
  2. Does this fear [False Evidence Appearing Real] hold you back?
  3. What would happen if, as you strengthen your faith in Jesus, if you trusted in God and stood up?


Dear Lord, Papa God.

My strength can only come in my vulnerability. Papa, when I realise that you are with me only then can I feel strong for I know you are with me through faith. May I always accept that you are my strength and comfort and may I always trust in you for my eternal protection.

This I pray in the precious name of Jesus. Amen.

Graham Hood.