Week 9 - Day 3 - Living In Serenity.


Devotions, Living In Serenity
Today’s Devotion Spoken…

Lets begin by reading the Serenity Prayer again.

“God, grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, Courage to change the things I can, And wisdom to know the difference. Living one day at a time, Enjoying one moment at a time, Accepting hardship as a pathway to peace, Taking, as Jesus did, This sinful world as it is, Not as I would have it, Trusting that You will make all things right, If I surrender to Your will, So that I may be reasonably happy in this life, And supremely happy with You forever in the next.

In Jesus name. Amen.”

As we continue to unpack the serenity prayer we find ourselves at needing to accept hardship as a pathway to peace.

In the many talks I have had with men’s groups I have often said that ‘every man has at least six major hits in his life.’

As we contemplate these we can see many battle fields in the course of our three score years and ten. Whoops, that means that I am now one year past my expiry date. Let’s make that four score years and ten.

Financial, health, career, relational, natural disasters and global catastrophe are all to be expected as we look back through history. The saying goes ‘no pain, no gain.’ How true is that. We never know our true capabilities unless we stretch the boundaries. 

On looking back through my own past I can see the many unsurvivable events I lived through and actually survived! I have achieved the un achievable and when I join the dots, one of my favourite pursuits, I can see the hand of Jesus every step of the way; even as I spent most of my life denying Him.

Now as dark clouds come over my own personal horizon I can reflect on my survival and deal with what’s coming  with confidence and strength. But is that my confidence and strength or that which can only come through faith is Jesus?

I know the answer to that and it’s not me but Christ who lives in me.

Remember Philippians 4:13 again. ‘I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.’

The only real benefit in growing older is wisdom. The knowing that, if I apply the basic principles of a life with Christ, that what ever happens it will be for my good and I will be ok. There is a mellowness, my favourite word these days, that takes the hassle from the life already spent.

I know that God will provide for my well being if I remain true to His principles for good living. I see the joy in relationships built on trust and respect and I have learned to listen with intent and care more about others opinions than my own. My real friends have my permission to call me on my stuff and they have given me the same permission with them. Life is a wonderful journey of character development and I thank God for the lessons learned through hardships on the pathway to peace.


  1. Can you see how your survival of past events can be used as you look forward, to give you a better understanding of the power of Jesus to deal with your future?
  2. Have you realised that, as life goes by you are stressing less or more? What can you do to realise that your hardships are a part of your education for the life that lies ahead?
  3. Is it possible through Christ to have a sense of gratitude for the hardships of life and the wisdom gained to go forward and does that give you peace?


Dear Lord, Papa God.

I have seen hardship in my life and yet I managed to get through in ways I had never imagined Lord. Thank you for being there even when I denied you. Thanks you for covering me with your grace and mercy and thanks you that I can now go forward in confidence because I am promised that I can do all things through your Son Jesus who strengthens me. Take me in your loving care through he perils that may lay ahead. For these things we ask in the precious and wonderful name of Jesus Christ.


Graham Hood.

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