CWW Week 15 - Day 7 - God In The Family


Devotions, God In The Family
Today’s Devotion Spoken…

Joshua 24:15

‘As for me and my house, we will serve the Lord.’


We continue today to unpack the Resolution commitment with the sixth principle of manhood.

I WILL confront evil, pursue justice, and love mercy.”

Beautifully poised and positioned straight after honouring authority and living responsibly is todays principle.

All it takes for evil to thrive is for men of good will to do nothing.

Confronting evil is not for the faint hearted unless we prayerfully fill ourselves with the Holy Spirit.

We have already discussed the full armour of God in previous devotionals and it is in the confronting of evil that God’s armour is the only protection. To do this we need to be confident in our truths and our faith. We need to know that Jesus gave us Kingdom Authority over evil, when he paid the price for our sins on the Cross. In the name of Jesus we can and should rebuke satan and demand that he leave us and take his demons with him.

Pursuing Justice needs to be framed for the purpose that justice is required. Many people see justice as revenge but vengeance is not for man but for God is it not?

Romans 12:19 (NKJV):

  • “Beloved, do not avenge yourselves, but rather give place to wrath; for it is written, ‘Vengeance is Mine, I will repay,’ says the Lord.” If we are seeing justice as a means of getting even with someone then the only outcome can be doubling down the evil.

Justice must be seen as a means of accountability that deters future bad judgement choices and provides a foundation for wisdom and better choices in the future.

We must reinforce good behaviour by condemning bad behaviour.

When we turn our backs on bad behaviour we enable it in the perpetrator and encourage it in others. Justice must always be seen as a means of establishing good principles in society to enhance and strengthen the quality of life and the climate of a healthy community.

When our motive for justice is revenge, we run the risk of becoming that which we abhor, and we have seen this played out in history over and over again.

Our primary focus must be in the setting of good examples based on a righteous understanding, to cement the principles of God into the foundation of our community.

Revenge does not heal and is not centred in the love of others. Revenge does not enhance righteousness but lawlessness. When we use the pretext of revenge to be the guiding hand of justice we are doing God’s job and not God’s work.

Love mercy binds it all together. It is mercy that saves us. God’s infinite mercy was the reason He sent His Son Jesus to die for the atonement of our sins. It is His mercy that allows us to move forward from a dark past into a life of illumination.

When my wife Michelle realised that she could not ask God to forgive her sins if she could not forgive those who hurt her, it enabled her to forgive the man who raped her every weekend for six years when she was a child.

It was mercy that gave her control of her life back again.

Have you ever been pulled over by the police expecting to get a ticket only to receive a warning? Do you remember how grateful you were and how much better your day went?

This happened to me once when I was pulled over by a sheriff in North Dakota in the USA. I had just made an illegal U turn. He could see that I was unfamiliar with his local laws and let me off. As I thanked him with a warm smile he responded, “I did you a good turn today now you pay it forward and do someone else a good turn.” There are no losers when grace is applied. That is what’s so amazing about grace.

I used to enjoy flying with a certain Check Captain on my annual proficiency check rides. Peter was a humble yet knowledgable pilot who had a certain way of criticising without damage.

I once made an error in calculating the time that I should start my descent to the destination. It meant that I had to fly an orbit to lose height and I was clearly embarrassed.

Peter said, ‘I made the same error last month. Let me show you how this happened.” He was a graceful man.

I WILL confront evil, pursue justice, and love mercy.” This is a graceful way to live in accordance with God’s principles. Jesus made a beautiful example when he asked the men about to stone the prostitute to death.

He drew a line in the sand when he said to them. “Let he who is not guilty  cast the first stone.”

John 8:7 (NKJV): So when they continued asking Him, He raised Himself up and said to them, “He who is without sin among you, let him throw a stone at her first.”

Lord I just pray that God will have mercy on my soul, for I truly am the chief amongst sinners.


  1. Are there any events in your life that have hardened your heart and filled you with a desire to get even?
  1. How much has this disease…as in DIS-EASE cost you?
  1. Can you honestly ask God to forgive you if you cannot or will not forgive others? The choice is yours. Joshua 24:15 ‘As for me and my house, we will serve the Lord.’


Dear Lord, Papa God.

Have mercy on my soul Papa. Help me to see that the pain that drives my own bad behaviours is also driving the behaviours of others. Help me to see that I too am guilty and in need of a Saviour. Strengthen me to confront evil, pursue justice, and love mercy. For this is my prayer Papa in the precious name of Jesus. Amen.

Graham Hood.

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