CWW Week 17 - Day 2 - Hope


Devotions, Hope
Today’s Devotion Spoken…


Hebrews 11:1: “Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen.”


We live in a world of broken promises don’t we? I mean think about all the scams and deceptions pushed onto an unwary population. It seems like we are all fodder for every foul evil doer, every conman and every hyped up would be control freak under the sun.

There is always someone out there who is hatching a plan to get rich on the backs of their brother and sister human beings.

There is no shortage of people, groups and corporations out there ready to manipulate and deceive in order to enhance personal gain at the financial, emotional, spiritual and physical expense of others.

The side effect of these deceptions is scepticism, fear, a lack of trust and a sense of hopelessness that only serves ultimately, to undermine our families and communities and society at large. All this makes it hard to look for the good in others and ignore the garbage.

One prime example is the recent so called pandemic, where the term safe and effective were used in a campaign of fear to control the masses and increase the huge profits of the few. Faith in government, health, law enforcement, judiciary and even religious and charitable institutions has been destroyed and with it the sense of faith trust and hope that are the basic requirements for righteous living.

We can all be forgiven for now living in a new reality of “I’ll believe it when I see it.” Think political promises.

This is why todays scripture is so appropriate to our journey to faith. Hebrews Eleven also known as the great faith chapter in the bible, gives us reason to hope.

“Faith is the substance of things hoped for,” What does this mean?

 Well something that is hoped for has to do with something that has not yet materialised. We are seeking a change of circumstance to help us take the next step. As we hope for something in the future we need to step out in faith. But faith in what? Faith in whom?

Lets look at another scripture to find the answer.

Hebrews 12:2 (NKJV): “looking unto Jesus, the author and finisher of our faith, who for the joy that was set before Him endured the cross, despising the shame, and has sat down at the right hand of the throne of God.”

This is the good news. Jesus Christ is the author and finisher of our faith. He is the one true hope. He is the good news in this world of deception.

We now have a destination for our faith and trust. We now have a real hope for our future, and when we embrace that hope we can move forward in confidence. This faith requires us to take action. It flourishes when we use our God given intellect and abilities to serve others and in so doing be blessed in ourselves. In faith, God will bless us, but we must give Him something to bless. We must pray for His intervention which can only happen if we invite it. God does not impose Himself on us. He requires us to make a choice.

If we seek His blessing it will happen but in ways that provide for the need not necessarily the want. He alone knows what our needs are and these are abundantly met if we trust in Him to know what is best for us, and sometimes that is in not having our prayers answered in the ways we wanted.

If our greatest desire is to do what God requires then what ever happens, in faith, our hopes are ultimately realised.

This is best summed up in the book of Romans.

Romans 8:28 (NKJV): “And we know that all things work together for good to those who love God, to those who are the called according to His purpose.”

This scripture makes it plain that what ever happens, if our methods and motives are aligned around serving God, then the outcomes truly are of most benefit for us and those around us. In this we understand that when we pray for an outcome, we must then get out of God’s way and let Him do His job and not us.

I have had to learn this time and time again as I travel my own journey. I have found that it always works better when I step back and let God do His amazing work. When ever I try to force outcomes to suit my plan as I race out ahead of God, I often fall flat on my face. I am learning to let go and let God as I navigate my future. It takes the pressure off when you think about it. All you have to do is keep the faith and let God take you where He needs you to be, knowing that the ultimate destination is eternal life with Him.

The evidence of things not seen relates to the opposite of “I’ll believe it when I see it.” The evidence of things not seen is knowing in advance that what ever happens, if it is God’s will then it will be just what we need. This is best summed up with a new saying, “I believe it therefore I see it.”

So how do we navigate our way to hope through faith?

We need to let go of expectations and roll with the flow based on our belief in Jesus and the sacrifices He made have covered all of our bases. We don’t have to carry the burden that He has already taken on in our behalf. All we need to do is believe and leave the rest to Him knowing that every worldly set back, is a refinement of our character to equip us for eternal life.

Remember this though as you move forward. God is about keeping you hope filled and evil is about making you feel hope less. You must decide who to follow.


  1. Do you often get trapped in feelings of hopelessness?
  2. Do you often give up before you start?
  3. Is it now time to give all those feelings of hopelessness to God and put your faith in His outcomes for your life?


Dear Lord, Papa God.

I am tired of this sense of hopelessness in my life. I am so weary of taking two steps forward and one step back. I need You Papa to bolster my faith and examine my heart and show me where my weaknesses are, and then allow me to hand those over to You. I invite You on this train with me Lord to be my constant travel companion. For this I pray in the precious name of Jesus. Amen.

Graham Hood.

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