CWW Week 18 - Day 1 - A Work In Progress


Devotions, A Work In Progress
Today’s Devotion Spoken…


Philippians 1:6 (NIV): “Being confident of this, that he who began a good work in you will carry it on to completion until the day of Christ Jesus.”


For those of you who are journeying towards Jesus for the first time, it all must be starting to make some sense now. You will be realising that we are all a work in progress. We have begun a restoration together and the Holy Spirit is our project manager.

We know the work will take a long time but the completed works are guaranteed for eternity, so it’s worth the perseverance. There will be some inconvenience as the work continues, but the contractor always makes provisions for this and will provide just the right amount of comfort to strengthen us for the task.

The contract for these works is in good hands as todays verse tells us. Jesus has been in this line of work for two thousand years and has not reneged on one promise. He was the original architect and builder and knows exactly how to restore the neglect and wilful damage that was done by the previous tenant, the Devil.

As we evict the previous tenant in prayer and the study of God’s word, we can be assured that Jesus will carry the work to its ultimate completion.

There will be issues along the way as variations are applied by the owners and cost over runs will be many, but Jesus is so committed to the final outcome that He is ready and prepared to review the reconstruction plans every day around the mistakes that were made the day before, as long as He remains contracted to do so.

The contract can be terminated by the client without notice at anytime but penalties for doing so may be too harsh to contemplate. All support will be removed and the site will be vacated unless the owner chooses to renew during the probation period. Attempts to renew after probation will sadly be unavailable as the contract does have a limited time to allow for such events.

Jesus has thoroughly examined the building from the foundations up and knows what has to be done. Ongoing character development will ensure that errors made along the way will bring about a better result at the end when the building will need to be at it’s strongest.

The forecast for the day of completion, which is yet to be determined, is for strong winds and treacherous storms and Jesus has accounted for this in the initial planning and will oversee the buildings structural integrity during the forecast events.

Now that we have engaged “God and Son Pty Unlimited” we can expect a visit from the Project Manager, the Holy Spirit who will remain onsite until all works are completed. He will be on call twenty four seven to guide us and answer all questions. He will help us to interpret the planning restrictions and bylaws to ensure a seamless transition throughout.

He will remain ever watchful but we are reminded that His due diligence  is only based on our permissions and these must be renewed every minute of the day throughout the project. Progress without the project manager being granted permission will lead to costly delays and cost over runs and must be avoided where ever possible.

So now that we have turned the first sod over the past seventeen weeks, let us now begin with the foundation work, paying careful attention every step of the way.

The good work has begun and now Jesus will carry it through all the way to completion. It beholds us all to be vigilant during works however, because the competition of God and Son Pty Unlimited are always attempting to sabotage His work and undermine His reputation. We must remain watchful at all times and bring any attempts to sabotage the project to the immediate attention of the project manager who will liaise with the Architect so that immediate corrections can be made.

Over the next week we will review the plans and the contract, paying careful attention to the warranty so that we can now proceed with immense confidence. Delays may occur due to the interference of the main rival but the warranty will always stand so long as we bring all sabotage attempts to the notice of the project manager.

So lets move forward with confidence knowing that there will be people watching our progress as they contemplate their own renovations.

Hebrews 12:1 (NKJV): “Therefore we also, since we are surrounded by so great a cloud of witnesses, let us lay aside every weight, and the sin which so easily ensnares us, and let us run with endurance the race that is set before us.”

We will resume our planning meetings tomorrow but in preparation for that meeting we have some questions to consider.


  1. As the job site is being prepared, is there anything you need to get out of the way that will help works to continue?
  2. Are you prepared to commit to the contract given it’s extensive warranty?
  3. Are you prepared to co-operate with the project manager every step of the way?


Dear Lord, Papa God.

Thank you for agreeing to undertake this vital restoration work in me. I look forward to the start of works as You restore my stoney heart with a heart of tender flesh. I look forward to the outpouring of warmth as my heating system is restored and I thank you for giving me the Holy Spirit as my project manager. I know I am a work in progress Papa but I trust in you to do what is required to meet all my needs as the project commences and continues. I pray this in Jesus holy name. Amen.

Have a great day with Jesus.

Graham Hood.

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