CWW Week 18 - Day 5 - A Work In Progress
2 Corinthians 5:17 (NKJV)
“Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; old things have passed away; behold, all things have become new.”
This verse emphasises the profound transformation that occurs when we are in Christ, indicating a complete renewal of our identity and life.
This may seem like a pie in the sky to many, even those who have been attending church all of their lives. This can only happen if we have a relationship with Jesus. Those life long church attendees who have not experienced the joy of knowing their salvation to their core, are realising that all the while, they have been doing ritual and not relationship.
When we have a relationship we have a testimony. We are authorised by the relationship with Christ, to stand in the witness box and testify to the miraculous changes made in His glorious name, because we have witnessed it. We were at the scene of His healing and transforming works. We can swear to His almighty yet subtle power.
I was once visited by such a life long church goer who was one of our Recovery Road Ministry team. Having realised that all the leaders needed to give a testimony as a part of the leader training, she was worried because she didn’t have one to give. Her life had been lived on the rails of the church she was a member of all of her life and as such everything was as it was and her testimony amounted to nothing.
In my usual front row forward in a ballet school approach I suggested quite bluntly, that she didn’t have a testimony because she didn’t have a relationship with Jesus! She was flabbergasted but it was a light bulb moment. A month later she gave her testimony to the church with jaw dropping results. Out of all the testimonies, hers was the most profound because many in the church had the same realisation after a life long religious experience of ritual without relationship.
The transformation in her since then has been clear to all who know her. She is a walking testament to the restorative works of God and Son Pty Unlimited.
I am saddened that over the years since my own work commenced, that many I thought were friends for life have drifted away because of my faith. As I questioned them as to why they were distant, it was always about the religion. When I told them that I too was skeptical about what I thought was religion and I just wanted a relationship with God, it always seemed to fall on deaf ears.
They always expressed a desire to have the old Hoody back. “We just want you the way you were,” they all said. My reply was “Oh you want the old Hoody back; the one who was chronically addicted to porn who was exhausted from a life of trying to look good while feeling broken; the old Hoody who was going to kill himself, that Hoody?”
They found it hard to accept that my changes were for the better of me because they didn’t know me anymore. While that is a glowing testimony to God’s transforming power, it showed up some anxiety in them. If they got too close to this they too may change and many may not know them anymore either.
I pray always that they too will start their own renovation soon before Jesus returns. I know they are watching me and some have admitted that they like what they see but it’s just that they feel challenged. Whats wrong with that? Nothing. It’s called character development.
Have I felt alone since my conversion as a result of the loved and lost in my life? Never. The gaps have been filled with new friends who are permitted to participate in my life after the scrutiny of Holy Spirit discernment. My faith has brought me into contact with many on the same journey and that has been used by God to transform me even more. Iron sharpens Iron, the Bible tells us and my friends now run deep in my life because I want them to challenge me.
Our discussions are often life changing because we are growing together. We want to get more than a weather forecast when we ask them how they are. We want more than fine from their responses. Honesty around our lifestyle experiences in faith and growth, help to bolster the foundations of the new works with integrity.
God now has me in a place where fear is rarely felt. I have come to accept that His will is the most important desire of my life and that, in so doing I am a work in progress in His capable hands and I will be ok no matter what happens in the future. There is a little more paint stripping to happen yet and a few rotten timbers to be extracted and replaced. Their will be a little more pain here and there but the end result will last for eternity.
I ask again; who loses?
- Are you aware of the areas of your life that are in need of change for the work to continue?
- Have you invited Christ in yet to commence the work?
- Are you prepared that some you have trusted and loved may be challenged by the works and are you prepared to keep going regardless?
Dear Lord, Papa God.
Strengthen me for the possible negative reactions of my neighbours as You commence this life changing work in me. Give me the grace to accept their discomfort and use this upheaval to grow them towards You by my actions and others centred love. Papa shine your light on me for your glory and for their salvation. Have them see the new found life in the old fixerupperer. Take me and mould me in Your will is my prayer in the name of Jesus. Amen.
Have a great day with Jesus.
Graham Hood.