CWW Week 20 – Day 2 – Blending God To Suit Us


Devotions, Blending God To Suit Us

Today’s Devotion Spoken…


Hebrews 10:32 [NKJV]

“But recall the former days in which, after you were illuminated, you endured a great struggle with sufferings.”


This verse encourages us to remember our earlier experiences of faith and perseverance through trials, reflecting on how we endured hardships after coming to faith.

When I had no belief in anything of substance, I lived in a fantasy that because I was a good person that eventually good things would happen to me. I guess I had a hope that the Hindu belief on karma would one day play out in my life.

As I struggled with mounting debt that kept me awake at night, I would go back to sleep by convincing myself that one day I would win lotto and all my cares would be gone. Talk about living in denial.

My life was built on false hope with no foundation. Luck was my god to whom I prayed regularly.

Many seek gods that give them hope for the future with happiness every step of the way because they feel that life was always meant to be happy. But was it? Who ever gave us that idea? I’ll give you a hint. It wasn’t God. That expectation serves the Devil very nicely because when our shallow expectations of happiness are not met, he always blames God.

We must consider the difference between being happy and being contented. Contentment comes from seeing personal growth and character development as we realise that we can weather greater and greater storms in our lives. When we know that we are up to the task and we worship the real God who will never forsake us even though He may not always deliver us, there is contentment even in suffering.

I’m not saying that life will always be a struggle and that happiness although often fleeting, cannot be enjoyed. But to expect a life of pure bliss because you follow God is folly.

Idolatry happens when we have an expectation of God around our happiness and a notion that He will always pave the way on smooth roads. When we travel with this expectation we are moulding God to suit our expectations of Him.

A commitment to God can only endure if it is based on His will for our lives regardless of the outcomes. We are measured by our faithfulness and in Jesus we must endure a fellowship of suffering. Isn’t that what He showed us on the cross?

To walk with Jesus is to carry the stripes of His torment at the hands of the Jews and the Romans. At the hands of us. After all we nailed Him to the cross too with our sinful nature as the hammer.

The contentment that endures, is in the knowing that we are being fitted for Heaven and that the sufferings and hardships truly are a pathway to peace as the Serenity Prayer tells us.

The Son of God came to show us this. In His faith and knowledge of the Father, He was able to endure the torment and disgrace of the cross to eternal glory.

If you feel that this journey is going to be smooth sailing then you are worshiping a watered down version of God or no god at all.

I can tell you that I have endured much more as a Christian than I did as an atheist, but I have never been happier. I know God has been preparing me for the future and I am a better man for it.

In the mean time we can take great comfort from Psalm 30:5.

“For His anger is but for a moment, His favour is for life; Weeping may endure for a night, But joy comes in the morning.”

This verse conveys a message of hope and renewal, suggesting that while there may be temporary periods of difficulty and sorrow, joy and relief will ultimately come.

God keeps His promises relentlessly. We need to get out of His way and let Him do it. When we understand this we can then embrace the difference between contentment and happiness.

Contentment and joy comes from knowing that ‘we will be ok.’ Happiness is too easily counterfeited and is often only temporary. The taste of chocolate soon fades after the eating.

Contentment and joy comes from trusting in the awesome power of the one and only true God who is indescribable.

If you try and change the nature of God to suit your lifestyle, then you are denying the power to change your destiny.

Let go and let God.


  1. Are you seeking a god who will support your plans?
  2. Are you ready to have a God who will carry you through the times of trouble and discomfort?
  3. Can you put your faith in Him now and just step back and let Him get on with your character development?


Dear Lord, Papa God.

Help me to let go of my expectations of you and replace them with real faith knowing that what ever I must face will be for my benefit in the long term. If You designed us in Your image, then give us the wisdom to allow you to finish the job. Papa we cannot begin to understand what it was like to watch your only Son, pure and innocent, hanging on that cross. Allow us to see the example set by Him in that and live our lives by that example. This is my prayer in His precious name Lord. Amen.

Have a great day with Jesus.

Graham Hood.

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