CWW Week 20 – Day 3 – Blending God To Suit Us


Devotions, Blending God To Suit Us

Today’s Devotion Spoken…


1 Timothy 6:10.

“For the love of money is the root of all evil.”


I have long been troubled by The Prosperity Gospel.

To my way of thinking it conjures up a false notion of God, who if you pray the right way, will bless you with all the earthly riches your heart desires.

How does that picture of God match the life of Jesus who was humble and lowly in appearance. The main reason He was crucified as a blasphemer pretending to be the Son of God, was because He didn’t arrive on the scene in a kingly looking fashion. The Jews were looking for a messiah who was draped in the finery of Royalty.

Scripture clearly points out in Matthew 6:19-21,

“Do not store up for yourselves treasures on earth, where moths and vermin destroy, and where thieves break in and steal. But store up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where moths and vermin do not destroy, and where thieves do not break in and steal. For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also.”

The idea is that investing in acts of kindness, love, and faithfulness has eternal significance, contrasting with the fleeting nature of material wealth. 

Jealousy and envy, often has us classify those who do have financial wealth as greedy and uncaring. But if your heart is defined that way then it matters not if you have all the riches or none. Your character is damaged and your conscience has been seared.

I have known a few people who have great wealth in the financial sense and a heart of generosity that compels them to support others with their hard earned treasure. Some were born into money while others live by the motto of the harder I work the luckier I get.

We must clearly understand what todays scripture is saying. It’s not money that is the root of all evil but the love of it.

I know some people with wealth who delight in sharing to bolster the less fortunate among us. These people are a real treasure and some of them that I know are not Christian despite living by the principles of Christianity.

It is true that God can bless some with wealth but even that can be a burden producing much character development. I know of a few in this situation who have found in financial wealth, a set of perplexing problems that has even destroyed relationships. It must be carefully and prayerfully managed.

We are called on to freely give without receiving any acknowledgment.The prosperity Gospel has been misused by so many to the effect of distorting the image of God. Several high profile preachers come to mind.

When our lives are ruled by the pursuit of wealth for it’s own sake, and we use prayer to enlist even more wealth, we lay ourselves wide open to deception from the devil. We create a false image of God as others mould Him as a God used to provide for all of their extravagant wants. Look at the opulence and extravagance of the Catholic Church and the Papacy.

Its the love of money that hardens our hearts to the needs of others. It can lead to greed, pride and a money at all cost attitude to life that seeks to take advantage of others. Those who do this under the banner of God are guilty of blending a God that is too big to comprehend into something that can remove their reliance upon Him to sustain them.

They only appear to need God on the surface. They are now self reliant because of their wealth. The truth is that we worship a God who owns all the cattle on a thousand hills. Money means nothing to God and He can distribute His wealth as He sees fit and for the greatest impact.

There will come a time when those who place money on a pedestal that God belongs on, would trade all of their gold and silver for the riches of eternal life. Many have sold their souls to the devil for short term gain and long term regret.

Idolatry doesn’t only apply to statues.


  1. How much is enough for you in your life?
  2. Would you sell your soul to get more?
  3. Do you have enough faith to carry you through the hard times?


Dear Lord, Papa God.

Papa I thank you for meeting all of my needs as I have stepped out in faith. I thank you Lord for all of the generous people of means who You have used to bring serenity andhope into the lives of others. You alone can lay claim to all the riches of the universe and we thank you that these treasures are so freely given. We thank you most of all for the greatest gift of all; the eternal life bought and paid for by your beloved Son Jesus in who’s name we pray. Amen.

Have a great day with Jesus.

Graham Hood

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