CWW Week 20 – Day 5 – Blending God To Suit Us 


Devotions, Blending God To Suit Us

Today’s Devotion Spoken…


John 5:19 [NKJV]

“Then Jesus answered and said to them, ‘Most assuredly, I say to you, the Son can do nothing of Himself, but what He sees the Father do; for whatever He does, the Son also does in like manner.’”


Fame and affirmation can be a driving force for many. Some shy away from notoriety while others seek it in every aspect of their lives.

Is there anything wrong with being famous? Well that depends. Being famous often comes to those who don’t seek fame. Jesus is famous and so is the devil. A preacher can be famous and so can a serial killer.

I think you get my point.

Circumstance can bring fame to those who don’t seek it. One who comes to mind here is Desmond Doss. Desmond was a young Seventh-Day Adventist lad living in the USA, who signed up to the army in WW2. Desmond had promised God that he would never handle a gun. He didn’t want to be a conscientious objector and wanted to serve his country, so he enlisted hoping to become a combat medic. As a part of his basic training however he was required to carry out rifle drill.

When he refused he was branded a coward and they tried to drum him out of the army. They urged him to take a section 8 and receive a discharge. Desmond refused and his refusal led to him being bullied by his fellow squad members and eventually he was locked up in the stockade.

At his court marshal where he faced a lengthy prison term, Desmond addressed the court. “Is it so wrong that with the world tearing itself apart, that someone would want to help put it back together again?”

Touched by his sentiment and conviction, the presiding officer agreed to let Desmond serve his country as a combat medic.

“On your head be it Doss.” Desmond was sent to active service and came ashore on the beaches of Okinawa at a place called Hacksaw Ridge. Immortalised in the movie of that name, Desmond the coward, remained on the ridge when all the other soldiers retreated in the face of a withering Japanese offensive.

He had attended so many wounded that day that leaving them behind on the ridge was not an option. He stayed and systematically lowered over seventy five wounded soldiers down the cliff on a rope that night including some wounded Japanese. He became the only non-combatant to ever receive the nations highest military honour, The Congressional Medal of Honour. Fame and fortune follow the brave.

Desmond was not a seeker of fame and notoriety in his own name. Everything he did he did prayerfully and for God’s glory.

When we seek fame and celebrity, we are seeking to make ourselves an idol. How many of you have heard others referred to as a god. Soccer players, olympic champions, entertainers? Have you noticed how the fame many have sought has brought them to unenviable lives? The constant attention drives them into unhealthy addictions and a life without peace in a world where serenity is what is truly most prized.

There was a time in my life where notoriety and fame would have meant the world to me. I look back on that time now through the help of the Holy Spirit and I can clearly see why. My self opinion was so low that my desire to be so much more than my view of myself, drove me to perform in order to look better than I felt. It was exhausting because no matter how much affirmation I received it was never enough.

My new found relationship with Jesus has changed all of that. Now that I’m in the position I’m in and have a considerable following, I can honestly say that notoriety is not all its cracked up to be. I have realised that there is nothing in me that is note worthy other than my desire to serve others in the name of Jesus for His glory and not for mine.

I am nothing and can do nothing without God and the Son He sent to show us the way. Jesus himself made that plain when He spoke in todays scripture.

I have seen many in recent years who have risen to notoriety during the pandemic. I have watched them closely. 

As a young pilot I developed an Ego Warning System. I realised that the most deadly peril in flying was a pilots ego. That voice that tells him that he is better than he really is. That ego that gets us to write cheques our ability cannot cash. That warning light is activated when I see myself doing something to support my ego. It is also activated when I am with others who are acting in ego.

I keep such people at arms length but remain ready to respond if I’m asked why. I have realised that peace and serenity only come attached to humility. Humility is a method that underscores motive. If someone wishes  to serve others from an others centred love perspective then their methods once again indicate motive and sincerity.

Real glory I feel can only be handled in God. Jesus is the perfect example.

Jesus is the only example.

We live in a world where humility and humble service are seen as extra-ordinary. This shows how far our values have sunk. These things are not extra-ordinary in God’s plan. They are meant to be normal attributes of God’s creations.

We are not meant to make gods of ourselves. This is another form of idolatry. I am hearing too many celebrities proclaim God in a false way in order to add a false humility to the mask they use to hide their own deep seated self loathing.

Many have sold their souls to the devil in the pursuit of fame. To be as God. Lucifer himself fell for that trap and has now become our greatest adversary. There is only one God and the greatest serenity and fulfilment comes when we realise the depth of His love for us. What more than that can we possibly want?

If only we all realised that we can do nothing except through Christ who strengthens us. See Philippians 4:13.

So who can boast?


  1. Do you ever wish you could be famous?
  2. How much are you prepared to give away to get it?
  3. Wouldn’t it be simpler to see yourself as Jesus sees you and bask in His glory?


Dear Lord, Papa God.

Who can measure up to You? Why do we seek to make ourselves into such beings when we already enjoy your unconditional love. Why do we seek the affirmation of others at the expense of our relationship with you? Oh Papa please have mercy on our souls for we are so lost in this world. We need Jesus to guide us home Lord. Thank you for sending Him to us. May we be humble and lowly of heart to accept your eternal grace we pray in Jesus holy name. Amen.

Have a great day with Jesus.

Graham Hood.

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