CWW Week 20 – Day 6 – Blending God To Suit Us
Mark 9:35:
“And He sat down, called the twelve, and said to them, ‘If anyone desires to be first, he shall be last of all and servant of all.’”
Seeking power and control over others is another way making a god of yourself and destroying the image of the one true God. These times have brought forth those who seek power in pandemic proportions.
Displays of public narcissism have been seen by those with discernment as some have come forward in an attempt to control the masses. We have seen this played out with more frequency in the rise of domestic violence. The more uncertain the world becomes the more people desperate for control seek an opportunity to create the world in their image.
Cults are formed this way. Nations, families and communities are destroyed this way.
This is why Matthew 5:5 is such a profound scripture. “Blessed are the meek, for they shall inherit the earth.”
Those who seek to control the earth are stripped of their objective in Jesus’s own words.
So driven to fashion a world that best suits them, these people employ fear and gaslighting to promote their objectives. We only have to look at the daily news conferences held by government leaders falling over themselves to fill the people with fear only to nominate themselves as the saviour. Once again we look to methods to validate motives.
History has shown us that those who seek power and control for their own gain always meet the same, often grisly end. But history has a way of repeating itself and the wheel turns at the expense of so many caught up in the power struggles.
We were created as sovereign beings in God’s image. In the beginning it was never intended to be this way. Life was always meant to be about conversation and not conflict. Where did we get this so wrong?
The shortcut to anarchy is in the perception that we are gods and, in denying the power of He who is in ultimate control. God.
As I have said, the need to have power comes from feelings of powerlessness. Where do these feelings originate from? Ultimately from the devil himself. The sower of doubt, the counterfeit of God, the father of lies; the anti-christ.
Have you noticed the words that seed these feelings in us all seem to end in less?
Lets look at some of them.
Hopeless, helpless, useless, senseless, brainless and yes, powerless.
Here is where we need to see ourselves in the light of God who uses words that end in able.
God says that we are capable, teachable, adorable, loveable, considerable, washable and most of all acceptable. Having these intrinsic beliefs about ourselves when seen as coming from our creator surely counts for everything. When we are stabilised in such a way, we live our lives in service with compassion. We are neither driven to control or subject to being controlled by the narcissistic leadership imposed upon us.
Jesus told His disciples in todays verse that in order to be first they need to put themselves last. Jesus was a servant leader. He was a foot washer and had a heart to demonstrate the glory in such an outstanding contrast to the ways of the narcissist.
If we can accept that we were all created by God and just as valuable to Him as each other, then things change. All we have to do is look after our neighbour on the right hand side and it eventually comes back to us in the usual circular way God does things.
Serving others and putting them first is the most rewarding way to live.
We can but dream.
- Do your feelings of insecurity lead you to control outcomes for all?
- How have you succumb to these traits in others?
- Are you now ready to surrender to God’s will for your life and follow only Him?
Dear Lord, Papa God.
In you my God I trust. You are strong and here with us. In You my hope remains; Christ will be my hideaway. Papa the words to this glorious hymn say it all from my heart. Strengthen me to stand in Your power Papa and resist those who seek to control with other agendas. Help me to stay close in behind you every step of the way. Show me how to put others first and serve those who are less fortunate and for your glory.
In Jesus name I pray. Amen.
Have a great day with Jesus.
Graham Hood.