CWW Week 20 – Day 7 – Blending God To Suit Us 


Devotions, Blending God To Suit Us

Today’s Devotion Spoken…


Matthew 22:37-38 (NKJV):

37 Jesus said to him, “‘You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your soul, and with all your mind.’ 38 This is the first and great commandment.”


Have you ever loved another human being so much that it almost hurt?

Isn’t it funny how love connections are heart felt? 

In todays scripture Jesus said these words in response to a question by one of the Temple hierarchy. The leader asked Jesus to, ‘as the so called Son of God,’ to enlighten them all on what were the most important commandments. Our scripture was Jesus’ reply.

So we are called on to love God above all others and to be obedient and faithful to Him. The love I have for my wife Michelle is so deep and so abiding that it truly is hard to love another more. But she wouldn’t have it any other way. She tells me often to make sure that I always put God ahead of her. Her reasoning is simple. She wants me to spend eternal life with her and Jesus. I want nothing more either.

If it were not for God we would never have met. If it were not for God we would never have been so blessed. She is elevated in my heart but she doesn’t own my heart. That belongs to Jesus. I would take a bullet for them both.

This sentiment comes from understanding more each day just how much I am loved by God.

He has given me custodianship of Michelle’s heart and entrusted my heart to her. But as our marriage and friendship is intertwined with our relationship with Jesus, it means so much more. We were meant for this. We were born for this.

The biggest risk we run is in allowing our lack of faith to have us put our loved ones ahead of God because we can see and feel them, but we can’t see and feel God. True love is actually demonstrated in putting God first because as we develop our character to be like Jesus we give our loved ones the best versions of ourselves we can be and we love them in a more pure and lasting way.

I resist the urge to tell Michelle that I idolise her because it may be my way of elevating her above God. I adore her and I am totally committed to both her and to God, but God must always come first.

I love her too much to make an idol of her. I strive to love her in a way that honours God. He created her perfect. It is not my role to change her. Everything about her was perfect on the day we met and remains that way now after almost two decades together.

God made it clear that I was to be the Ranger in her national park. She needed to fly as God intended, in a safe environment without fear. My job is to patrol her boundaries and enshrine her freedom. To make sure that she is protected. I watch her back and she knows it and she loves it and she does the same for me.

God gave her heart to me to protect it. Because of her I want to be the best man I can be every single day because she deserves it. Are you getting a sense of how strong our love is for each other?

That is as it may be, but it still falls short of my love for God. I actually show my love for Michelle because I put God before her.

Are you confused yet?

I’m not. Not anymore. I have come to terms with it because I am a work in progress and so is Michelle. Everyday I can feel more love for her growing stronger which means so is my love for God. They are commensurate with each other.

Idolising her would cause me to sin because I would be using her to replace my creator, my saviour. She doesn’t deserve that.

Relationships that are healthy and stand the test of time are not mired in jealousy and control. They are not constrained by our own misconceptions. They are sincere and centred in the love of others but most of all God.

I know it’s strange, but I would have it no other way and neither would she. This strengthens our marriage more than words can say.

I can think of no better way to wrap up this week.


  1. Are you starting to see the importance of placing God at the top of your love list?
  2. Is it possible that you could love someone with more purity by loving God more than them?
  3. Do you think God can strengthen all your other relationships by valuing your relationship with Him even more?


Dear Lord, Papa God.

My love for you relies completely on my ongoing faith Papa. A faith that continues to grow because You keep blessing me in abundance. Not in the earthly things as much as in my personal growth. The good and the bad all seem to be working towards Your glory. I thank you Lord for the wonderful people you have brought into my life and for using them to develop me day by day. I thank you of showing me the glory of putting you first in my life. I love you Papa. In Jesus name. Amen.

Have a great day with Jesus.

Graham Hood.

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