CWW Week 21 – Day 5 – Conquering The Dragon


Devotions, Conquering The Dragon

Today’s Devotion Spoken…

We acknowledge the wonderful work of author Marvin Moore for his book Conquering The Dragon.

The Conditions For Receiving Justification.


Romans 5:18 (NKJV)

“Therefore, as through one man’s [Adams] offence judgment came to all men, resulting in condemnation, even so through one Man’s [Jesus] righteous act the free gift came to all men, resulting in justification.”

In this verse, the Apostle Paul contrasts the consequences of Adam’s sin with the redemptive work of Jesus Christ. Just as Adam’s disobedience led to condemnation for all, Christ’s obedience provides the gift of justification and righteousness to all who accept it.

How many times have you had the thought, “This is too good to be true, there must be a catch?

Today’s digital age bombards us with all manner of free offers that have a sting in the tail. You sign up for something you are told that’s free only to realise that you have only been sent a sample and then there’s an expensive catch.

How many apps have you signed up for that may provide little to no use in your life and forget that five dollars is coming out of your account every month and you don’t even notice. It all mounts up and then you get discouraged?

How many real gift horses have we looked in the mouth over the years? Genuine opportunities lost.

In Conquering The Dragon, Marvin Moore illustrates this in his parable about a small town that went broke. The mill had closed down and everyone was without money. They were penniless and were starving. A kind and wealthy man was passing through and stopped to fuel his car at the local garage. When he paid for the fuel he asked the attendant why the town looked so depressed?

The answer was given to the man and when he returned home he had his accountant obtain the names and addresses of all the towns inhabitants. The accountant was then instructed to post a cheque for one thousand dollars to each of the residents of the town.

A day or two later, everyone received their cheques in the mail. Some took their cheques and cashed them straight away to by food. The others thought that there must be a catch and hung onto the cheques without cashing them.

Those people owned the cheques; they were issued in their names, but they didn’t claim the value.

What does all this mean?

A careful look at scripture such as todays verse indicates that Jesus died for all even those asleep in the grave. He offered justification to all men as Paul writes. ALL MEN.

 We can all step onto the platform of Jesus if we are willing and have faith. This faith requires us to trust the offer and cash it in. This is one gift horse we need not look in the mouth.

The problem is that many of us are so conditioned to skepticism that we don’t even take the time to look at what’s on offer and just dismiss it.

So what is the catch in receiving justification? Well receiving the gift of justification, [having Jesus stand in the witness box in your stead], requires Faith and Repentance.

We have discussed these two in detail in previous weeks but as they are pivotal to character development and therefore salvation they cannot be overstated.

I have also been quoting Dr Tim Jennings when I talk about method as a guide to motive. Scepticism can be costly if applied in a one size fits all approach. In order to comprehend the sincerity or authenticity of any offer we need to look at the method of delivery.

If the methods employed involve bribery, coercion or bullying then we can assume that the offer is not in our best interest. But if the method is love of others, as we know is the motive behind the example of Jesus, then we can be certain that our best interests are at the forefront of the offer.

We will never understand or comprehend the enormity of this gift of justification unless we examine the two requirements of it’s acceptance. Faith and Repentance require trust and courage and an attitude that surpasses all understanding.

When we apply these in the process, an action must follow. That action is the work that’s done on the platform of justification and that work is sanctification or character development.

More on this tomorrow.

Let’s consider todays three questions.


  1. Are you so sceptical that you have often missed out on opportunities that you regretted later?
  2. Have you become lazy to the research required to examine methods and motives?
  3. How would it feel to realise that you turned down the greatest offer in your life when it was too late to accept it?  


Dear Lord, Papa God.

I am realising more and more that your love for me is way beyond my comprehension. I have been so lost to sin that I cannot get my head around the enormity of Your grace and forgiveness.

Examine my heart Papa and know me that I may be ready to climb on the platform and begin the work guided by Your Holy Spirit.

In Jesus name I pray Lord. Amen.

Have a great day with Jesus today.

Graham Hood.

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