CWW Week 21 – Day 6 – Conquering The Dragon


Devotions, Conquering The Dragon

Today’s Devotion Spoken…

We acknowledge the wonderful work of author Marvin Moore for his book Conquering The Dragon.

The Conditions For Receiving Justification continued.


Romans 3:20 [NKJV]

“Therefore by the deeds of the law no flesh will be justified in His sight, for by the law is the knowledge of sin.”

This verse emphasises that adherence to the law alone cannot justify a person before God. Instead, the law reveals human sinfulness and the need for a different kind of righteousness.

Ephesians 2:8-9 [NKJV]

“For by grace you have been saved through faith, and that not of yourselves; it is the gift of God, not of works, lest anyone should boast.”

These verses highlight that salvation is a gift from God received through faith, not something earned by human efforts or good works.

These verses were written by the Apostle Paul and carry with them great authority learned from experience. Before we go any further let’s take a look at the life of Paul.

Saul of Tarsus, later known as Paul, was initially a fervent persecutor of early Christians; a Law Keeper and enforcer. He was a well-educated Pharisee who sought to eliminate the followers of Jesus. On his way to Damascus to arrest Christians, Saul experienced a dramatic conversion when he was struck by a divine light and heard Jesus’ voice asking, “Saul, Saul, why are you persecuting Me?” This encounter led to Saul’s conversion to Christianity, after which he was baptised and took the name Paul.

Paul became one of the most influential apostles, dedicating his life to spreading the message of Jesus Christ. He undertook several missionary journeys across the Roman Empire, wrote many letters (epistles) that form a significant portion of the New Testament, and played a crucial role in establishing and strengthening early Christian communities. His teachings emphasised salvation through faith in Jesus Christ and the inclusion of Gentiles in the Christian faith.

Paul knows what he’s talking about when he wrote todays two scriptures.

In summary what these verses are saying is that you can’t work your way to heaven; you don’t earn your way to heaven. The ticket has already been purchased.

This means that the journey can start NOW even though you may feel unprepared and unpacked. Jesus is not waiting for you to get better or clean up your act first. He is waiting to do all that work for you.

When I was a young man with a new family we rented a house for one year. When the lease expired and we had to move on, we worked feverishly to leave the house in better condition than when we found it. We wanted to make sure that we got our bond back.

When I returned the keys to the agent to get my bond refunded, they charged me a bond cleaning fee. All my works amounted to nothing. 

Jesus wants to be a part of the cleaning because He wants you to have the best cleansing possible. He knows where all the dirt is but He needs you to invite Him into each room to get the job done fully.

Some Christians sadly believe that when you sin you break the connection with God and that can only be restored when you stop sinning. Really?

So that means every time you make a mistake God cancels you. How can that even make sense to them? Jesus knows where our dirt is and He alone is the Remedy. This strange theology cancels out God’s amazing grace. Grace does not exist in this kind of thinking and it costs a great many their chance to cash in there cheque and freely take the gift of salvation already bought and paid for.

There are two qualifications for receiving justification, or your permit to work on the platform. ‘It is by grace you have been saved,’ says Paul. He also write that righteousness comes through faith.

The next requirement for justification is Repentance.

This concept is totally biblical. The first words spoken by John The Baptist were “Repent, for the Kingdom of God is at hand.” Jesus said the same words when He started His earthly ministry.

Our acceptance requires two basic elements. First an attitude and then an action. 

The attitude is sorrow for sin. Remember our time in the Beatitudes? “Blessed are those who mourn for they shall be comforted.” Matthew 5:4

The action is turning away from sin.

Lets look at this in a practical way

The Attitude= “When it is in the heart to obey God” thats sorrow for sin

The Action= “When efforts are put forth to this end” That’s turning away from sin.

All summed up, it’s about a choice and commitment to stand in the light. We have done with sin and we are changed.

Once these have been established we are permitted to enjoy the safety of the platform of Jesus where the works of character development [sanctification] can begin. As in any project we know that mistakes will be made and part of the work is to learn from those mistakes and improve the process. All the while as lessons are learned from these mistakes we still remain safe on the platform.

All this is done under the watchful eye of Jesus, the project manager aided by the Holy Spirit the platform foreman.

What a team. What an incredible job site. Is it time to get to work?


  1. Are you holding back because you don’t feel ready to commit to the process?
  2. What are some of the excuses you lean on every time a voice tells you it’s time for work?
  3. The helicopter to the platform is ready to depart. You can board just as you are. Are you going to get onboard?


Dear Lord, Papa God.

I am prepared to go even though I feel unready. I am assured that you will take me as I am and work with me and to this end I am committed. Help me to stand on the platform Papa even though the seas rage beneath me. I thank you for your unfailing love and devotion to me. Papa my greatest desire is to do what you require.

Fill me with Your Holy Spirit is my prayer in the precious name of Jesus. Amen.

Have a great day with Jesus.

Graham Hood.

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