CWW Week 22 – Day 5 – Breaking The Chain
Todays theme is breaking the chain of willful sin.
Hebrews 10:26-27 (NKJV):
“For if we sin willfully after we have received the knowledge of the truth, there no longer remains a sacrifice for sins, but a certain fearful expectation of judgment, and fiery indignation which will devour the adversaries.”
This passage warns about the gravity of willfully continuing in sin after knowing the truth of Christ. It underscores that deliberate sinning after receiving the knowledge of the truth is a serious matter, suggesting that it leads to a fearful expectation of judgment.
This is very different from the setbacks we suffer on the platform as we sin in error despite our best efforts not to.
You can’t unlearn. Once you have heard truth and know it to be true, the only motivator for failure to live in that truth is rebellion.
So why would anyone wilfully rebel against the authority of truth?
Rebellion can come from the in-dwelling of an evil spirt that feeds on the hosts insecurity and a sense of rejection. To rebel in willful sin is to elevate yourself above God. That’s exactly how Lucifer was cast out of Heaven to become satan the prince of darkness.
I once spent a weekend mentoring an angry man. This man was often passive aggressive and on one occasion became almost physically so. He disclosed reprehensible aspects of his shameful treatment of others with a smile on his face. This man defiled many sensibilities that even I as a man of the world cringed.
After one very graphic proclamation of one of his exploits I was so repulsed that I could take no more. I called him out.
“You are a junk yard dog my friend. Just listening to you strikes a sense of disgust into every fibre of my being.” He rose to his feet to physically assault me. I stared him down and demanded he sit down and hear me out.
“You are a dog alright and I know it and so do you. And here’s another thing; you don’t like it do you?” He resumed his seat with slumped shoulders. The mood changed in an instant. He knew what I said was an accurate description of his character. He was living with a soul so seared by abuse and rejection that his only way to survive was to rebel against every notion of authority and decency.
God was irrelevant to the man and an object of ridicule and mockery as he carried the stench of a brutal past like a dead corpse though all of his relationships. The man went on to repent and make major changes in his life.
Sadly many will dig in to defend their rebellion against God as they seek to drag others into the pit with them.
Are they redeemable? Yes they certainly are but they must break the chain of willful sin in their lives and accept God’s grace as they step onto the platform of justification in Christ.
Willful rejection of the Holy Spirit is the only unforgivable sin because it denies the Holy Spirit the chance to do the work of repentance required to receive God’s amazing Grace.
Am I describing you? Well I doubt that because if you were that way why would you be listening to me?
As the signs of the times become more pronounced there will be those who rebel even more. They will make the choice to reject the Holy Spirit in favour of the darkness. All we can do is pray for them.
They may be loved ones but at some level we have to accept that there is only so much we can do. Everyone is responsible for their own destiny; yes even our own children.
There is a difference between falling into sin and deliberately jumping into it.
All we can do is pray for them. There comes a time when we need to get out of God’s way as we make the decision to “let go and let God.”
- Is there someone who needs a prayer of redemption in your life?
- Are you wilfully sinning as a way of punishing God?
- Is your picture of God based on the religion version or a relationship perspective?
Dear Lord, Papa God.
I thank you again Papa that even though I fall to sin that you still count me a righteous person. May I never wilfully disobey You and may I remember to pray for those who do Lord. I thank you for shining the light of truth on my character as I grow daily in my relationship with you is my prayer in Jesus name. Amen.
Have a great day today with Jesus.
Graham Hood.