CWW Week 24 - Day 2 - Standing Against Evil
Today’s Devotion Spoken…
Isaiah 1:17 (NIV) says:
“Learn to do right; seek justice. Defend the oppressed. Take up the cause of the fatherless; plead the case of the widow.”
This verse is part of a broader message in the book of Isaiah, where the prophet calls for genuine repentance and a return to righteousness. It emphasises the importance of social justice and caring for the marginalised and vulnerable in society.
There are many battle fronts in the war that rages between good and evil. Global issues are more pronounced now than another time in history especially with the advent of social media. It must be a powerful medium if the level of censorship being imposed by corrupted government is anything to go by.
The battle is intensifying as those who seek to control the masses ramp up their defence against inevitable truth.
Isaiah encourages us to “defend the oppressed.” Throughout history we have seen examples of the masses turning away from the oppressed as they realise that it may be much safer to be one of the oppressors than one of the oppressed. When this happens we see how easy it is through fear, for evil to thrive in the inaction of good people too afraid to stand with a simple NO.
But the great conflict is not just played out on battlefields and on the streets in front of Capital Buildings. It is fought in communities and families, and yes, even within ones self. Suicide, domestic violence supported by corrupted court structures are the battlefields of daily conflict that affects us all.
Broken families often lead to fatherless children who are never quite finished as they stumble into adulthood.
Confused by the mixed messages of their childhood they often wander the world as children encased in adult bodies.
This is particularly prevalent in men.
Look how this plays out in the great controversy that rages around us. Various movements are formed as groups such as Feminism, #Me too and BLM forge ahead supported by left leaning governments to change the fabric of society in a mass social engineering project designed to elevate minorities and segregate the majority.
Men who behave badly have been used as a catalyst for a dark cloud of change that is drifting across the planet. It seems that the only way to deal with the damage being done by men is to cancel them completely.
But have we done enough to stem the damage of fatherlessness?
The answer is that we haven’t even started. This real pandemic of fatherlessness has been created through the social engineering done by the forces of evil to create just such a scenario.
Let’s face it, the world is much easier to control if you cancel out men who stand in courage and integrity; those who are prepared to call sin by it’s rightful name.
So are we as Christians called on to step out of the church building and take our faith to a community dying for the lack of the solutions provided through grace and mercy in Christ?
The alternative is that we bunker down in the relative safety of the boxes we call church and await the second arrival of Jesus only to be told by him that “I know you not.” See Matthew 7:23 (NIV), where Jesus says:
“Then I will tell them plainly, ‘I never knew you. Away from me, you evildoers!’”
We can have all the bible knowledge in the world; we can seek the full armour of God and we can be faithful tithe paying church attendees, but all the knowledge in the world is of no use to fools who don’t use it.
God is opening the door. He wants us to go through it. It maybe the door out of sin and darkness in one way, and the way out of church buildings as an opportunity to go out there and stand against evil.
Will you go through?
- Are you bunkering down in relative safety as the world tumbles around you?
- Do you feel comfortable as long as you are ok without a care for those who are struggling?
- God has opened the door for you to exit your comfort zone. What will you do?
Dear Lord, Papa God.
You stood at my door and knocked and I let You in. And now Papa You are standing at an open door beckoning me to come out. Arrest my fears Dear Lord and stay with me as I exit my comfort zone into the light of the absolute truth of Your salvation. And yes, though I step into the valley of the shadow of death I will fear no evil because You Papa are with me. Hold me strong is my prayer Lord in the precious name of Jesus. Amen.
Have a great day with Jesus today.
Graham Hood