CWW Week 24 - Day 4 - Standing Against Evil
Today’s Devotion Spoken…
Proverbs 31:8-9 (NIV) says:
“Speak up for those who cannot speak for themselves, for the rights of all who are destitute. Speak up and judge fairly; defend the rights of the poor and needy.”
These verses are part of the passage that describes the virtuous woman,[woman in Biblical terms refers to the church] emphasising the importance of justice and advocacy for those who are vulnerable and in need. The message encourages speaking out and taking action to support and defend the rights of others, particularly those who are marginalised or oppressed.
The theme for the week is repeated in so many scriptures and the message is plain. The church is to stand against evil and not dance with it.
We don’t have to look far to see the marginalised in our own midst. The persecution of a large group of people has been blistering.
Robbed of their livelihoods, careers and relationships. Some robbed of their lives. The violent vitriol that comes with the territory of standing in your truth is most character building.
I am ashamed to say that some of the responses have been more than inflammatory in the process. I have seen many on the same side crushed for having a different view. People who claim to be in the fight for freedom are often just as bad as those they claim are robbing them of theirs.
So what does it mean to speak up and judge fairly?
Telling the truth as you understand it to be, is best delivered through a microphone of grace. We are admonished to speak softly and plainly, without exaggeration and with humility.
The yard stick for me now is “Would I say what I am about to say if I knew that Jesus was standing next to me?” Because I now know that He is, because I invite Him to be.
Our posture is to be one of strength in truth as we stand straight and tall in the face of our own adversity and those we have chosen to defend.
Matching rhetoric for rhetoric can be a fools game and often only serves to drag people through the mud.
Respect and humility coupled with a firm position is hard to overcome.
We must always be prepared to extend the benefit of doubt while holding the reigns of accountability with a tight fist.
We need to always examine our motives for speaking out, and evaluate in advance what the possible outcomes might be from our stand. We have in recent years witnessed the masses completely ignore the oppressed and marginalised in all facets of our communities. Many Christians have moved through the recent crisis with blinkers on as they pretended that this was nothing to do with them.
But when we accept the un-acceptable and live in a standard that is enabled by our inaction, we have not only disregarded our fellow man, we have also offended Almighty God.
We are told to love God with all our might and to love our neighbours as we love ourselves. To treat others as we ourselves would like to be treated.
How can we expect the love and support of others when we just walk past injustice? What does this say about the love of God and the essence of Christianity?
Too many are sitting on the platform waiting for the freedom train to roll in. They sit on the bench reading the paper occasionally looking up to see if the train is coming all the while the smoke of injustice rises from the flames of persecution.
They don’t know that the train will most likely express past them without stopping because they chose to accept evil as their standard in the face of the down trodden.
Have we allowed passive Christianity to untie the towline that binds us to Jesus?
- Would you like to be treated in the same way as you feel others should be?
- Are you sitting on the station platform awaiting the train that may pass you by?
- Are you now ready to seek the guidance of the Holy Spirit as you contemplate a life of service to the down trodden?
Dear Lord, Papa God.
I have been suppressing the desire to speak up for those who no longer have a voice. I have been wanting to stay in my comfort zone. Show me where to go to seek the lost Papa and give me the courage and wisdom to follow your will in the process in Jesus name I pray. Amen
Have a great day with Jesus.
Graham Hood