CWW Week 24 - Day 7 - Standing Against Evil


Today’s Devotion Spoken…



James 4:7 (NIV)

“Submit yourselves, then, to God. Resist the devil, and he will flee

from you.”

All week we have been focussed on the stand against evil from the

perspective of defending those who cannot defend themselves.

We know that our best defence is in wearing the full armour of

God. This notion is easy to grasp in the defence of others but what

about our own survival.

How can we go to battle for others unless we ourselves are well

and on solid ground?

Every day when I was at work flying people from one city to the

next, I kept hearing the passenger safety briefing in the cabin

before we took off.

“If oxygen is required a mask will drop from the unit above your

head. Please fit your own mask first before assisting others.” Why?

Because you can’t help anyone when you yourself are struggling.

Never in my life have I needed to heed this advice more than now. I

have been so committed to the well being of others that I have

neglected myself. Evil loves it when we do this.

When we deplete our own resources we tend to burn out and

become a burden then to others who need to rescue us.

We can be so focussed on the needs of strangers that we neglect

those who are close to us; those who love and support us. We

deprive them of the nourishment they need to thrive in the

relationship and they then become depleted and unable to

continue sustaining us.

Relationships struggle as expectations go unmet and before we

know it we are in the snare set for us by our busyness.

Satan loves the word busy. Burdened Under Satans Yoke.WEEK 24 DAY 7 STANDING AGAINST EVIL

I know that for me that my addictive behaviours are triggered when

I am feeling stressed and disconnected from loved ones and

friends as I strive to rescue strangers.

Submitting ourselves to God and His will for our lives is the only

way to overcome these pitfalls of life. Evil will tell you that you are

selfish but even Jesus himself had to take time out to restore

himself to the Father.

It’s ok to say no, in fact it is essential. As we ponder how

compliance has been used to coerce us and others, a collective no

can stop evil in it’s tracks.

We must resist the devil in God’s Holy Spirit Power because

without it we don’t stand a chance. The father of lies will win every

time without the Holy Spirit in our lives.

The sacrifice at the cross has given us all power over satan but too

few of us realise that nor use it. Satan was defeated by Christ at

the cross. When Jesus hung on the cross He gave us Kingdom

authority to rebuke satan in Jesus name and when we do this evil

has to leave. God’s amazing grace has defeated evil.

I have seen it first hand many times and that’s why I love these

words. “Grace and evil cannot live in the same town and evil is

always the first to leave.”

If we are to be the light on the hill for others on this journey then we

must live the example of Jesus as we hold fast to His testimony.

Nothing deflates our efforts more than hypocrisy that forces us to

pretend that we are on a journey with Jesus when our actions in sin

isolate us from Him.

We must resit the devil in the name of God and walk upright in His

strength to continue as we stand against evil.

You can’t help others effectively when you yourself are struggling.

Everyone needs a saviour even rescuers. There is only one real

saviour and shepherd, and we need Him more than ever when we

make a choice to stand against evil.

I think it’s time I took my own counsel as I realise that todays words

may well be meant for me.WEEK 24 DAY 7 STANDING AGAINST EVIL

Thank you Father.


1. 2. 3. Are you always rescuing people?

How is that working for you personally?

How hard is it for you to take time out to rest and restore?


Dear Lord, Papa God.

Please give me the strength to see the benefit of rest without

feeling selfish. Please help me to stand against evil having

submitted myself to you in all of my affairs and guide me in Your

ways Papa as I stand against the evil of the world in my own life

too. For this is may prayer in the precious name of Jesus.


Have a great day today with Jesus.

Graham Hood.

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