CWW WEEK 25 - Day 1 - Come And Reason
Responding as Christ
Ephesians 4:15
“Instead, speaking the truth in love, we will grow to become in
every respect the mature body of him who is the head, that is,
This verse is a direct call for Christians to speak the truth, but with
a heart of love. It’s not just about what is said, but how it’s said—
truth spoken with love helps the body of Christ grow in maturity.
“A lie believed breaks the circle of love and trust.”
This is a quote from Dr Tim Jennings from Come And Reason
My wife and I have recently completed a marriage boot camp for a
couple that has been plagued by infidelity from both sides.
The truth being laid bare; both came to us to navigate some kind of
resolution.It was intriguing to see how each responded to the
Clearly the infidelity arose because neither one was meeting the
emotional needs of the other and both had become disconnected.
The husband was the first to offend in the marriage and the wife
followed on with her own indiscretion within a year of her husbands
fall from grace. As more and more was revealed over the weekend
spent with us, it became obvious that both had embarked on a
secret investigation into the affair of the other.
Phone records and bank statements carefully examined and emails
and text messages scrutinised to the enth degree, both had
commenced a mining operation delving into the dark underground
of the deception that both had contributed to.
It was like each one was trying to dig up more dirt on the other thus
the one with the most dirt would be the greater victim. The problem
was that the biased perceptions each one brought to their mining
ventures distorted their reasoning and simple two plus twoCWW WEEK 25 DAY 1 COME AND REASON
calculations gave the incorrect answers. Each of them believed a
lie about the other and thus the circle of love and trust was broken
to the point of almost being irreparable.
This couple were not serial adulterers. They had each committed
one breach of the marriage vows. Was the main problem the affair
that each had committed or the emotional malnutrition they had
both allowed in the marriage in the first place?
It did not appear natural that infidelity was even on the radar of this
couple. The broken trust was a side effect of emotional neglect that
had crept into the marriage because they had put other life issues
and their children ahead of the marriage.
This could have been avoided if both had spoken truth to each
other in love.
Instead the sporadic evidence they gathered against each other
was pieced together with a bias of pain and many incorrect
assumptions were made that only deepened the crisis.
This is true in all of life many situations.
We need to firmly look to the future with an astounding revelation
that I wish to propose to you this morning. Brace yourselves.
Yes you heard it hear first folks. We are all broken and we all fall
short of the glory of God.
There is an emotional shock that comes with the breaking of trust.
There may be a grieving process that needs to happen in order to
move forward; but ultimately there will be a reason the trust was
broken and a thorough post incident debrief needs to take place.
Like an air crash investigation that seeks to find the root cause of
the problem to enhance safety procedures and reduce the
likelihood of a reoccurrence, so a break down in love and trust
needs to be examined so that the journey of character
development continues for each person involved.CWW WEEK 25 DAY 1 COME AND REASON
Ephesians 4:15
“Instead, speaking the truth in love, we will grow to become in
every respect the mature body of him who is the head, that is,
We have all been given the gift of God’s infinite grace and mercy
and this that no one should boast. Grace is extended to enhance
the learning and character development that must continue as we
grow in Christ.
This is how we mature is it not?
This is how we learn from every disaster thrown at us.
Reason is the foundation of growth and it must not be putrified by
anger and more deception.
That’s what I love about the saying… “come clean.”
Christ does not mine for darkness but shines the light of His infinite
grace on truth.
We must always examine the truth about ourselves before we jump
into the judges chair of others.
1. Are you able to pass the same test you apply to others?
2. Are you certain that all your assumptions are true and correct
and not driven by your pain?
3. Do you think that Christ may have the remedy to life’s
Dear Lord, Papa God.
Help me to examine the truth based on reason and not painful
emotions. Help me to look at the world through your eyes and not
through the knot hole of my own pain. Help me to see that “it is inCWW WEEK 25 DAY 1 COME AND REASON
the quiet crucible of my own personal pain and suffering that my
greatest dreams are born, and Your greatest gifts are given in
compensation for all that I have been through.” Lord show me the
growth and miracles that can occur when I speak the truth in love.
This is my prayer in the precious name of Jesus.
Have a great day today with Jesus.
Graham Hood.