CWW WEEK 25 - Day 4 - Come And Reason
Proverbs 17:17 (NIV)
“A friend loves at all times, and a brother is born for a time of
You know who your real friends are when the fat hits the fan.
In my life I have had a great many friends and in these days of
social media….which is anything but social, the term friendship has
taken on a couple of new categories.
For example you may have one hundred thousand friends on
Facebook but how many of those will be with you when your house
burns down?
I have fair weather friends who I now see as acquaintances and I
have true friends who I may not connect with for years but they are
there in the background and it’s like we were never parted when we
come together.
I have to confess to having an inner circle of friends who are like
brothers to me. They have my permission to call me on my stuff
and I have their permission to do the same. We have an
understanding based on a love that is so strong that it is prepared
to lose itself in the interest of truth and mutual character
When I have been under a constant barrage of attack in the last
few years I have always known that they were right next to me. We
have a creed; “You stand I stand, You fall I fall.”
There is an inner peace we feel when we know the calibre of those
God has chosen to walk with us.
My friend John is just such a brother. We stand on the wall together
in all things and we constantly learn from one another. We have
seen tough times together and have shared a great many joys
along the way.
I have other friends in faith who have become more like family too
but the common denominator is that we are always there in
adversity for and with one another.CWW WEEK 25 DAY 4 COME AND REASON
It is true that some families can be toxic and that is what it is.
Some family members we must leave to God to sort out but friends
in adversity are there by choice and not by birth.
I am a fortunate man in that although my inner circle is small it is
most definitely strong. My best friend on this earth happens to be
my wife Michelle who stands with me no matter what. She is my
rock and the main reason I wake up each morning wanting to be a
better man. She deserves the best version of me I can show her.
But in all of this there is one friend who is on call twenty four seven.
He is always there and never asleep. He comforts me when I am
alone in the dark, He remains the source of all of my guiding
principles and He died the worst possible human death to give me
a second chance….and yet He lives.
Jesus Christ is the standard by which I steer and the light that
guides me home. He is always forgiving and always ready to teach
me. He never forsakes me even when I forsake Him. He loves me
through it all and He is the stone against which my own character
is developed.
Jesus has convinced me that I am an acceptable work in progress
and that all I have to do is show up for work each morning.
He is my friend who loves for all time.
1. Have you ever done an inventory of your friends?
2. How do you choose the people you hang out with?
3. Is it time to re-evaluate through the lens of Jesus?
Dear Lord, Papa God.
You have shown me a standard by which I myself should live and
you Papa have brought amazing people into my life to help me to
shape my character. As the times ahead often seem uncertain ICWW WEEK 25 DAY 4 COME AND REASON
pray Lord that you will surround me with brothers who will stand
with me though the heavens fall and that you will lead us through
the valley of the shadow of death. Thank you for being the
lighthouse in our stormy lives we pray in Jesus Holy name. Amen.
Have a great day today with Jesus.
Graham Hood.