CWW Week 3 - Day 4 - Repentance


Devotions, Repentance

Today’s Devotion Spoken…


2 Peter 3:9 (NKJV)

“The Lord is not slack concerning His promise, as some count slackness, but is long-suffering toward us, not willing that any should perish but that all should come to repentance.”


 This verse speaks to the patience and love of God, who desires that all people would turn to Him in repentance and find salvation.

When I was asked to speak at my first ever rally in front of seventeen thousand people, I had no idea what I was going to say. So I was asking God aloud in prayer as I walked towards the microphone. I was still praying as I got closer and without knowing it, the people heard me and fell hush. So I continued praying expecting everyone to call out and tell me to ‘get off.’ They didn’t and when I finished I heard a massive AMEN from the crowd.

It was then I realised why God had me there and indeed why He got me to make my first viral video. He wanted me to tell the troubled that He was there and willing. I have felt called to a different ministry ever since. He wants me and everyone else who believes in Him to pave the way for Jesus return as modern day John The Baptists. This above all else brings me the greatest joy and at the time of writing I have baptised about three hundred people.

God’s patience is not a sign of negligence or indifference, but rather a manifestation of His mercy and grace. He extends His offer of salvation to all, patiently waiting for hearts to turn to Him in repentance. His desire is for every individual to experience the transformative power of His love and forgiveness.

Reflection Questions:

  • How does understanding God’s patience and desire for all to come to repentance impact your view of His character?
  • In what ways can you reflect God’s patience and love in your interactions with others, especially those who have yet to accept Christ?
  • What steps can you take to align your life more closely with God’s desire for all to come to repentance?


Dear Lord, Papa God, 

Thank You for Your patience and long-suffering toward us. Help us to grasp the depth of Your love and the extent of Your desire for all to come to repentance. Give us the courage to share Your message of grace with those around us, and may Your Holy Spirit work in the hearts of those who have yet to know You. Lead us in lives of repentance and obedience, that we may bring glory to Your name. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

Have a great day with Jesus

Graham Hood

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