CWW Week 2 - Day 1 - Jesus's Recipe For Life


Devotions, Jesus's Recipe For Life


Today’s Devotion Spoken…

Matthew 5:3, “Blessed are the poor in spirit, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven” (NKJV).

In each of this weeks devotionals we unpack the Beatitudes; God’s recipe for a charmed and fruitful life.

You will come to see that each of these steps is the prelude to the next one. In our Recovery Road 12 step program, these ingredients are the corner stone of a healing journey.

In Matthew 5:3, Jesus begins His Sermon on the Mount with a profound statement: “Blessed are the poor in spirit, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven” (NKJV). This verse sets the tone for the rest of the sermon, highlighting the qualities valued in the Kingdom of God.

To be “poor in spirit” does not refer to material poverty but rather to a humble recognition of our spiritual impoverishment before God. It acknowledges our utter dependence on Him for everything, including salvation and spiritual sustenance. It is an attitude of humility, recognising that we bring nothing of value to the table but receive everything from God’s grace.

Jesus pronounces a blessing upon those who possess this attitude. They are blessed because they understand their need for God and are open to receiving His kingdom. They are not self-sufficient or self-righteous but recognise their need for God’s mercy and forgiveness.

This beatitude challenges our natural inclinations toward self-sufficiency and pride. In a world that often values strength, success, and self-reliance, Jesus calls us to embrace humility and dependence on God. It’s a radical shift in perspective that leads to true spiritual richness and an inheritance in the kingdom of heaven.

As we reflect on Matthew 5:3, let’s consider these questions:

  • Do I recognise my spiritual poverty before God, or do I rely on my own strength and abilities?
  • How does humility impact my relationship with God and others?
  • Am I open to receiving God’s grace and kingdom, or am I too focused on worldly success and achievements?

May we cultivate a spirit of humility and dependence on God, knowing that true blessedness comes from acknowledging our need for Him.

Dear Father, Papa God. Help us to seek you always in our spiritual impoverishment. Help us to grow outwardly from the indwelling of your Holy Spirit. Help us to see the spiritual and emotional needs of those around us so that we may all grow in grace.

This is our prayer in the precious name of Jesus. Amen

Graham Hood.